
18 4 0

TW: Family dynamics, Mention of traumatic events, Child experiencing distress, Nightmares, and panic, Discussion of mental health, Parental grief

"You're brother and sister are also coming over for dinner tonight," Emiko said to her son from the doorway of his childhood and now adulthood bedroom. "Who's coming to dinner?" Questioned Mihoshi, who sat on the bed playing with her dolls.

"Your Aunt Kiki and Uncle Kashi,"

"Who's that?"

"My brother and sister,"

"Have I met them before?"

"Yes, but it was a long time ago,"

"How long ago?"

"Uhmm, three years ago i don't remember though,"

"It's been seven years since you've seen Kakashi and Kimiko, Hitoshi. I don't think Hoshi has ever met them. They think they are surprising your father and I, but it's more like you and the girls are surprising them," Emiko chuckled." They miss you, you know that?"

"More like they miss picking on me for everything," Hitoshi mumbled under his breath, as he folded laundry into drawers.

"What are they like?" Mihoshi asked.

"Oh they're very nice, they'll love you sweetheart," replied Emiko.

"Yep, so nice they've never sent a birthday, Christmas, or anything card. Not even a text for something they knew about," Hitoshi muttered angrily to himself.

"don't think I don't hear you over there Hitoshi Shinsou," Emiko emphasized on Hitoshis name. She sounded angry with him for not really caring for his siblings because they didn't care for him. "Hikari is coming too."

Hitoshi played favorites when it came to his siblings, and Hikari was his favorite by far.

"When is Hikari gonna be here?"asked Hitoshi. "Who's Hikari?" Questioned Mihoshi as she put her dolls down. "Aunt Kari" Hitoshi stated "you saw her on your birthday," "oh right, are Hana and Kaidou coming too?" Mihoshi asked, excitement edging her voice.

Kaidou was also a young pregnancy, his mother had him at 18 but didn't tell anyone except Hitoshi, then she had Hana when she was 25. Kaidou was fifteen and Hana was eight

"She said they'll be here a bit before 6 so in about 10 minutes , and yes Hana and Kaidou are coming." Emiko answered before she went back to the kitchen.

"Why don't you like your brother and sister? And why haven't I ever met them?" Mihoshi asked, leaning over her dad as he sat on the floor. "They just aren't great at the whole family/sibling stuff; they've never been good at it, and they just weren't very nice growing up. that's why you've never met them." Hitoshi said while putting away the last of the Laundry.

Mizuki started screaming and crying a few minutes later, Hitoshi couldn't think of a reason why she would be crying. She'd eaten and drank, been changed, she looked fairly comfortable on the bed, 'what is wrong?' he thought to himself. He picked her up, and bounced her a little in his arms to see if that would work to calm her down. It worked a little. She wasn't screaming so loudly, 'maybe she's tired' he thought.

Hitoshi got up and went into the living room and sat on the couch, Mihoshi followed suit and sat next to him leaning into him. After a few minutes Mizuki calmed down and fell asleep on her dads chest and Mihoshi fell asleep too. Hitoshi kept his hand on Mizukis back and his arm around Mihoshi.

Hitoshi could feel his eyes becoming heavier. He hadn't slept in almost a week, sure he would drift off for a few minutes every now and again but he'd always be woken up by a nightmare. The nightmare was Miyako laying on the ground, screams he couldn't see where they were coming from, threats being whispered into his ears; threats to kill his children, then he'd feel such strong emotions towards the experience that he'd pushed deep down to avoid.

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