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TW: Discussion of murder, Verbal abuse, Family conflict, Emotional trauma, Parental grief, Psychological distress

They all went inside and sat at the table for dinner, serving themselves food and drinks. "So Hitoshi, did you hear about the murder in your precinct?" Hitoshi gagged on his water, droplets spewing from his mouth as he coughed. Hikari hit her brother's back to keep him from choking. "There was a murder in your precinct? Who was it? Is that why you guys came over?" Emiko said with a look of mild concern. "Tosh probably killed 'em,' ' chuckled Kakashi. "Kash, that's not funny, someone's dead," Kimiko said as she hit the back of Kakashi's head. "OW!!" Kakashi shouted "god! That hurt you bitch!" "Watch your mouth Kakashi Shinsou, there are children present," Emiko shouted. "So who was it at your precinct that died?" Questioned Kimiko. "Guys stop, he doesn't wanna talk about it," Hikari said in a stern commanding voice. "Oh shut up Kari. Who was it?" Kimiko demanded. "I told you his dumbass killed 'em probably for fun, isn't that right freak?" He elbowed Hitoshi, hard in the ribs. "Kakashi stop it," Hikari said. "Who was it? Come on bitchboy! Who was it?" Kimiko shouted As Emiko tried to get them to stop yelling.

The kids sat at a separate table, one of those little picnic ones. Mihoshi watched the conversation with a lot of concern. She didn't know why but there was a panic building in her chest like an ants nest. She was on the brink of tears and had been holding her breath, waiting for them to stop yelling.

Hitoshi stood up. "This right here is exactly why you never see me or the kids except for holidays and birthdays. And this is exactly why I haven't spoken to you two since I graduated. You all, with the exception of a few of you, you know who you are, have absolutely no filter and no respect for anyone around you and I'm sick of it! I'm sick of being treated like shit by you. I mean I'm sick of you slandering me for everything I do and telling me I could've done better and that it wasn't enough for YOU, not me. We're out of here in the morning. I hope your fucking happy with yourselves." Hitoshi walked upstairs, went into the bedroom, slammed the door, and sat on the floor.

"God what's he got up his ass?" Kakashi said right before he sucked up his noodles. "Hikari, may I speak with you for a moment out on the deck?" Hajime said and he wiped his face and walked towards the door to the back deck. "Yea," Hikari got up and followed her dad out onto the deck and shut the door behind herself.

"It was Miyako who was killed wasn't it? I only ask because I know you'd be the person who'd know," Hajime said. "Yea... it was. I don't know any of the details but from my understanding it was brutal. Don't try to talk with Tosh about it though, he won't say anything and he just gets stuck in his head. Just dont bring it up, he doesn't want anyone to know, especially not Kakashi or Kimiko and he's not too fond of the idea of mom knowing either." Hikari said, with a slight feeling that she'd betrayed her brother. "Thanks for telling me," Hajime said as a look of sorrow usurped his face. "I liked Miyako, she was just what Hitoshi needed and Hitoshi was what she needed. Do you remember when he and Miyako told us they were having Mochi? They were so scared when they told us, I thought that tosh was gonna throw up, he looked so nervous. And poor Miyako had to deal with Mom. Oh, it was terrible, poor girl." He chuckled a little. "Poor Tosh, now he's gotta deal with the death of Miyako and his son... he was so excited about that little boy, so was she... hell I was excited." Hajime stared at the ground. "I know god that's gotta be hard, dealing with a six year old, a one year old and shitty siblings all while having just lost your wife and son has gotta be hard on him, I mean god that's gotta be damn near impossible for him. That and he's trying to stay composed for mochi but you can tell he's just falling apart at the seams." Hikari added. "I'm gonna go talk with him," Hajime said with a stern fatherly look.

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