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TW: Graphic descriptions of medical trauma, Emotional distress, Parental concern, Physical pain, Medical procedures, and Themes of mortality.

Two days passed, and Denki didn't leave the room as long as Hitoshi was in it. Mr. Shinsou came by once to check in on his son. Denki held Hitoshis hand the whole time, and every so often he'd get delirious glimpses of consciousness from him. He didn't know if Hitoshi knew what was going on or if he'd remember the short exchanges but it didn't matter. every time Hitoshi said the same things, he'd say Miyako's name, ask where she was, say that it hurt, squeeze Denkis's hand weakly, and then stop talking or moving. Denki told the nurse about that and she said that he was likely delirious from the blood loss and concussion he had.

it was close to two in the morning when Hitoshi woke up. he was wide awake in under ten seconds. he sat bolt upright and ripped off the O2 mask he was hooked up to in a panic. he didn't know where he was or how he got there, the pain hit like a brick, "ow fuck that hurts, shit that's bad," he started his voice barely above a whisper from disuse and the pain in his neck, he winced and groaned as he tried to get up. Denki woke up from the noise and saw Hitoshi freaking out. Hitoshi panicked, the white walls, the bright fluorescent lights, the beeping medical equipment, all spinning, and the pain in the rest of him scared him. "Shinsou, you need to calm down,'' Denki stated as he stood up. Hitoshi continued to try and get up, hurting himself further, either not noticing Denki or just flat out ignoring him. "Shinsou, you're gonna hurt yourself, you need to stop, ''Denki urged. But Hitoshi seemed lost in his own world of pain and confusion, the fear continued to grip him tightly. "Hitoshi, you need to calm down!'' Denki stated as he pushed Hitoshi down, staying on top of him but not touching him, careful not to hurt him. Hitoshi looked like a scared child, tears forming in his eyes. His eyes avoided Denkis, but wrapped his arms around him fast and grabbed at the back of his shirt. "I'm alive, i'm alive, im ok, im ok right?" Hitoshi uttered. Denki was shocked by Hitoshis reaction, but did not relent in holding him down. "Yea, yea you're gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok but you need to calm down," Denki stated. Hitoshi didn't let go and the tears continued to fall "oh thank hurts Kaminari,"

"I know it does, you gotta lay back down though,"

"You're not leaving right?"

"No i'm not going anywhere,"

"Are the girls ok? Do they know what happened?"

"Mihoshi knows you got hurt and i told her you were in the hospital,"

"What happened?"

"You promise you aren't gonna try and get up and hurt yourself?"

"... yea, i just need a minute,"


Hitoshi held onto Denki for a few moments longer then let go, falling back onto the bed. "Oh fuck that hurt!" he hissed, his hands moving to his neck and belly. "Yea well getting shot will do that to you," Denki responded as he sat back in his chair. "A nurse should be in here any minute to check on you," he added.

"How long have I been out for?"

"About Three days now,"

" god this is all my fault i shouldn't have gone in,"

"You got shot while at work? Doesn't surprise me,"

"Surprised by the fact it was in an interrogation?"

"You got shot in the precinct in one of the most secure rooms?"

"By the man who killed my wife, yes, i did hold your applause please,"

"How? I mean that's insane, right?"

"Yes, in theory, but when the fucker has a quirk that allows him to hide things on his person its a bit easier,"

I Need More Time (ShinKami)Where stories live. Discover now