01 - the first thing i do

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Gracie walked with shaking legs out the front door. Blakelys baggy T-Shirt covered chest followed by a pair of sweat shorts. The brunettes hair was still disheveled from sleeping. Gracie's bare feet hit the pavement as she almost ran to her car. Her hands shook with small tremors as she unlocked the black car and slid into the drivers seat. She started the car quickly, not bothering to buckle up as she began to reverse out of the driveway, tears still streaming down her cheek as she looked behind her.

"Gracie! It's not true!" Blakelys voice shouted through the glass that her palms were pressed against, it was slightly muffled. Gracie did her best not too look at the blonde girl, tears streaming from her eyes more as her heart cracked

"Nothing happened Gracie! I don't know what she's talking about! Please don't do this. I didn't sleep with her I promise please! Gracie please!" Gracie had now pulled the car out on to the road, Blakely right there by the door, begging Gracie to listen.

The brunette looked down, shifting the car into drive and pulling the car forward.

"Gracie please don't do this please" Gracie couldn't tell if blakley was crying or not,  but from the sound of her muffled voice, she could only assume she was. Blakely was running next to the door but it was no use, Gracie was going over the speed limit, driving off. Blakely pushed herself, running as fast as she could after the car.

"GRACIE PLEASE" she called one last time, her voice drowning out as Gracie drove further for the girls. A choked sob slipped from Gracie's lips as she pulled out of the neighborhood hood, one of her hands covered her mouth in disbelief. Her eyes flickered to the rearview, Blakelys chest was raising and falling as she came to a slow in the middle of the road.

And that's right where Gracie left her.

A sort of tunnel vision took over Gracie as she drove the familiar streets of LA. Her muscle memory drove her straight to Bostons house, knowing that Abby would be there.

The brunette pulled the back car into the couples driveway, parking and turning off the car. Gracie got out and walked to the door, trying to simmer her crying down to a halt. She lifted her shaking hand, knocking on the front door gently.

It wasn't long before Gracie could hear the sound of the door unlocking. Boston stood in the door way, his face covered in concern

Gracie?" Boston started as Abby pushed her way past Boston. Instantly concerned, Abby grabbed her cousin and pulled her into a hug. Gracie gripped onto Abby like it was life or death. She tucked her head into Abby's shoulder as she sobbed, not able to control herself in-front if her best friend.

Boston and Abby looked at each other, concern lined both their faces as Abby pulled the singer into the house.

"Gracie what's going on?" The singers cousin spoke softly as Gracie tried to catch her breath, taking a deep on in before letting shaking air out.

"I- I-" gracie tried to swallow but Abby shook her head.

"Let's sit down and breath for a minute ok?" Gracie nodded quickly, letting her cousin lead her into the kitchen. Gracie sat at the table, her panicked breathes starting ti slow.

Boston walked into the room, meeting Abby's eyes. Both of them sharing well looks of deep concern.

"Blakely got a text" gracie suddenly started but stopped, a few tears slipping out that she quickly whipped away like trying to catch her breath. Neither Boston nor Abby pushed the girl to talk more, waiting for her to speak. "It was from Jenna and- um"

After Miles of this Blue Sky  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now