10 - betty, james and augustine

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The ocean crashed softly against the shore, birds flighting above. The air was warm, the sun gently kissing Blakelys skin. The girl was laying on her stomach on a towel just up the beach. Her arms were crossed while her head rested on them, her ocean eyes watched the water roll onto the sand. The beach was strangely empty, Blakely, cari and the girls band being the only ones on the beach.

A soft smile was on her face, yet there was a sadness behind it. Yes, she was in Brazil with Cari, she was having a great time traveling with the older girl and supporting her. Cari was so wonderful and treated her perfectly. Yet, even though Gracie hurt her, Blakey missed the girl desperately.

She couldn't help but think about the last time she was at a beach with Gracie. At that time, her girlfriend was running up and down the beach, leaping into blakelys arms and kissing her with nothing but pure love. Gracie's laugh haunted her, maybe it was a mistake ignoring Gracie's calls the night of the party. Maybe she should have picked up. Shouldn't have gone with Cari. But then again, Blakely also didn't regret anything that happened with her and Cari.

Cari was a very lustful lover, you could tell that her love language was touch. Blakely didn't mind one bit, she loved the affection and was more than happy to give it right back. It helped take her mind off Gracie, until, in some moments, she would catch herself imagining Cari as Gracie. Blakely knew it was bad, toxic of her even and put a stop to is as soon as the thought slipped into her mind. Blakely was determined to get over LA girl.

Oh Gracie...

The image of Gracie's smiling face filled blakelys mind. Her hair slicked back from the water, her nose scrunched just a bit. Her freckle covered cheeks were slightly red. Maybe from the sun, or maybe it was the blush. Her eyes were a bright hazel in the sun. The feeling of her skin against blakelys. The way she always smelt like flowers and almond, it seemed almost natural for her to smell that good. She would lick her lips before tucking her tongue behind her upper lip and front teeth before her gap tooth smile broke out over her face. Blakely felt her day get brighter. She felt the dopamine rush through her body, the butterflies explode in her stomach. The girl would lean in, pressing her plump and soft lips against blakelys in a warm and loving kiss. The taste of her lingering on blakelys lips when she pulled away. Letting every kiss taste like Gracie.

"Hey sunshine"

"Baby?" Caris voice suddenly pulled Blakely from her thoughts, she looked up, noticing Cari standing over her. "You alright angel?"

"Mhmm" Blakely hummed, rolling over and propping herself up in her elbows. Cari moved, straddling her legs and sitting in the girls lap. "I was just lost in thought , I'm sorry."

Blakely sat up the rest of the way, wrapping her arms around Cari's waist and looking up at her. Cari ran her hands through blakelys salty hair, down to her back. Cari's fingers gently began to trace her name while the sun shined on Blakelys back "What we're you thinking so hard about?"

"Just being here with you." Blakely said, it was the truth was it not?

Caris brows tilted down, a small frown formed on her face. "Do you regret coming with me?" She asked, pulling back slightly. Blakely quickly shook her head no

"No not one bit Cari, I don't regret one thing that's happened with you. I hope you know that." The blondes hands trailed up Cari's back, her fingers slipping under her bikini strap.

"You're positive?" Cari asked, she was still trying to be gentle with Blakely. The jersey girl knew Blakely was rebounding, she was ok with it. Only because Blakely was only ever genuine with her.

"Pinky promise" Blakely pulled one arm away from Cari's back and held up her pinky. Cari smiled and looped her pinky with blakleys.

"Seal it with a kiss?" Cari asked, smile as she leaned forward, puckering her lips. Blakely laughed, gladly kissing the singer back.

After Miles of this Blue Sky  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now