03 - ive seen this film before

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Droplets of water trickled down the side of the glass Gracie had cupped in her hands. She was sitting on her parents couch, her eyes staring blankly at the coffee table in-front of her.

Katie and Abby were in the kitchen, lightly mumbling to one another with Audrey, who had showed up not too long ago. JJ wasn't home, he was away on a work trip. August was at school and Henry was back at college so,  for now the house was filled with woman.

The ticking of the clock seemed so loud inside Gracie's mind while she fought with herself internally. This had happened to her before, in last relationships. She had been cheated on, but this time it felt different. The singer always thought people were put on this planet too fine other people. Gracie felt like she was out here to find Blakely, but now she wasn't so sure.

"Is that her?" Abby whispers weren't that quiet. After all it pulled Gracie from the spiraling. The brunette turned her head, looking in the direction of the kitchen.

"What is she doing here?" Audrey said while Katie hushed them

"Stay here, I'm going out" the older woman spoke as if they were going to keep blakelys arrival a secret. Almost out of muscle memory, Gracie hopped up from her seat but as soon as she was on her feet she was frozen. Part of her wanted to go hear Blakely out and believe that every word she said was true. But that little voice in the back of her head screamed at her, telling her to run in the opposite direction.

Maybe taking a break would be the best thing? What they needed. What Gracie needed.

Meanwhile, Blakely parked her bike in the driveway. She got off the bike, taking a deep breath in. This was could go one of two ways. And if it went the route she hoped it wouldn't, she'd never stop fighting for Gracie. She promised herself that as she took her helmet off and walked to the door.

Katie opened the door, a disappointment look covered her face. One that made Blakelys heart nearly stop.

"Is Gracie here?" Blakely managed to choke out, looking up at the older woman with pleading eyes.

Katie nodded gently, walking down to meet Blakely "she is, but I'm not sure-" Katie stopped talking and frowned "maybe we should give her a minute."

Blakely stayed quiet, looking down at the ground, she was chewing the inside of her cheek. A subtle taste of iron on her tongue. "Katie, I didn't cheat on Gracie."

Katie nodded her head gently. The older woman had yet to decide if she fully believed Blakely or not.

"Let's go talk in the back dear" Katie finally spoke up.

"It's fine mom" Gracie voice said from the door, Blakely looked up, a sigh of relief left her lips at seeing her. Yet the state she was in almost killed Blakely. Her tear stained cheeks were red and slightly puffy. Her hair was messed up, but she was still wearing Blakely shirt.

Katie looked back at Blakely then to her daughter once more. She gently touched blakelys shoulder before walking back into the house, leaving Gracie and Blakely alone in the front yard.

"Gracie, nothing happened." Blakely starter, she was staring up at the girl. Gracie's eyes were looking anywhere but into blakelys ice blue ones "I need you to believe me. I have no idea why she sent that text"

"I want to believe you blakely I do." Gracie started, she was fiddling with the seams of her shirt "but I can't. I read that text, I saw what she said to you."

"Gracie I called you every day I was gone, I told you everything I did. Not because you asked but because I wanted to. Because I love you Gracie." Blakely had gone over this conversation in her head a hundred times while she was driving here. She needed to prove to Gracie she was innocent.

But still, gracie shook her head gently, it was almost like she was in complete denial. "You still could have Blakely. I wasn't there with you. How do I know you didn't hang up and instantly go to her?"

"You know I didn't because I'm telling you I didn't. I don't understand why you don't trust me." Blakely stepped forward as she begged.

"I don't believe you because she sent a private text to you. And I just so happened to see it."

"A text that is complete lies. The last time Jenna and I were romantically involved was months before I even met you."

"What would have happened if I didn't see it? Would you have told me or would you have broken up with me and gone to her like she asked?" Gracie sounded upset, it felt like every word Blakely said to her went straight over her head

"I would have showed you, of course I would have showed you. Because I know I did nothing wrong and you should trust that. Never in a million years would I have even thought about leaving you for her. Gracie I'm so madly in love with you I can't think of anyone else. When you're with me it's like I'm living a dream, and when your not I sit and dream about you all day." Blakely poured her heart out. God she felt like ripping her heart out right there and handing it to Gracie just to prove that she was completely and hopelessly devoted to her.

Gracie stood in silence, a few tears started to fall again and she shook her head no. The singer had gone through this before. Her ex cheating on her, then begging and pleading with her. Telling her it wasn't true when she knew it was. Gracie had given him another chance and it bit her in the ass. He cheated again and broke her heart. She had seen this film before, and she didn't like the ending. So if Blakely wasn't going to tell the truth and break her heart, she was going to do it herself

"I can't" Gracie managed to say.

"Can't what Gracie?" Blakelys heart started racing, she felt the shift in Gracie's energy

"I think you should go" Gracie said pointing away.
Blakely shook her head and stepped forward but Gracie stepped back and crossed her arms. Shutting herself off from Blakely completely.

"I think I need space" Gracie said looking down at the floor

"What do you mean?" Blakely knew what she exactly meant, but she hoped, deep down it wasn't what she thought it was "that's it?"

"I'm sorry" Gracie whispered under her breath. Blakely could tell she was trying not to cry. "You need to go. Please."

Tears instantly started streaming down blakelys face as she felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. She nodded gently, it was clear. She lost. There wasn't anything she could say or do that would change Gracie's mind. If Gracie wanted her to leave then she would.

Blakely grabbed her helmet off the ground and walked to her bike, Gracie stood but the front door, whipping tears from under her eyes, her breathing was staggered.

Blakely sat down on her bike started it. She turned around and looked at Gracie

"Gray" Blakely called out over her engine finally Gracie looked at her

"Yeah?" Gracie wasn't sure why she responded, why she was letting Blakely say anything else that could try and change her mind.

"I never break a promise." She started "I'll wait for you"

Before Gracie could say anything else, the back end of the blakelys motorcycle whipped around and the actress sped off down the street.

Finally, Gracie's emotions caught up to her. Her hand went over her mouth and she began to sob right there on the front steps of her childhood home.

Blakely tried her best to drive away, as fast as she could despite not being able to see. Her vision so blurred tears it's surprising she didn't crash.

The blonde girl didn't know where she was going. All she knew was going to do anything she could to not feel.

... 🥲

XX Kay

After Miles of this Blue Sky  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now