Chapter 19 - Necessary Lies

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I am not sure where to begin. We have been sitting here talking to my parents for over four hours. I've experienced so many emotions and explaining how I became the Zador is going to bring all of my emotions to the forefront. I think about how much has happened and realize this is the easy part.

"I will give you an abbreviated version because that story will take all day" I start. "When I left home, I went to school and one year on Raphael's birthday I thought about how little I knew about why he was killed '' My parents are both looking down holding hands.

"I heard parts of what happened when you and Mommy would have conversations. And the rest were put together while I was in Law school." I pause to remember the first time I saw my brother's name on a court document, and then the police an autopsy report.

"Once I found out the legal aspect of what happened, I did more research and put it together. I am surprised that you and Mr. Baptiste was connected because he never came up on any of the documentation. The police report said there were three victims: Raphael and young woman and a mall security officer. "

"I began to research more and it led me to this underground culture that I wasn't aware of. I began to pay attention when I went out and began to learn who the different crews were and how they moved. I had never noticed it before." I thought about my reaction every time I learned something new.

"Around the same time I started my legal consulting, some of the people I worked with were a part of the culture and learned more from their perspective about what happened" It always amazed me how much dudes who were real gangsters loved to gossip.

"My business grew as I helped some of the major players who I learned are Commanders legitimize their businesses. When I started taking on those clients I started going by Remi-Blu" I know my parents were surprised I even used the name.

"Just out of curiosity what name did you use when you moved here?" My father asked.

"Dominica Valez" I smiled at him "Your grandmother's last name, figures I never thought to check for that name. " He shakes his head.

"I started writing The Book of Codes the first year I started working with the different crews. I had researched all the ways that business had been conducted over the years and took the best from every era to create the current system." I paused to study their faces, a mixture of pride, surprise, and respect stared back.

"I know this is a dangerous life but I have researched every aspect and prepared myself, I learned to protect myself, I maintained a reputation that didn't allow for disrespect and I surrounded myself with exceptional people" I see the questions swirling through their brains.

"Exceptional women is an understatement, Remi's crew is the Force de Femmes," Estefania tells our parents.

"The Force de Femmes? I thought they were a group of women lawyers, they are involved in many of the charities I support" Mrs. Navarro.

"Some of us are Lawyers, others are businesswomen, those responsible for security are former military." I share.

"Why all women?" My father asked.

"I didn't trust men or male energy," I said plainly, that was the truth, men and power never mix and I refused to let a man hijack my ideas or twist them to fit the toxic agenda. Plus I was a firm believer that when women work together there's nothing more powerful

"And might I add, WE are the best Crew on the East Coast," I said while I elbowed Esteban

"You just have to brag" he kissed my cheek

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