One: I'm off-limits to anything with a dick

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"So, did you do it?" Bebe Stevens asks her best friend, Wendy Testaburger, while tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. She leans forward towards Wendy in her fluffy pink saucer chair.

Wendy, sitting in an identical fluffy purple saucer chair, glances at Y/n Marsh, her boyfriend's twin sister. She thinks about her next words carefully. She isn't sure how Y/n will react to the news if she hadn't already heard it. "I... Um, yes."

"Do what?" Y/n, being the nosey girl she is, asks, never looking up from the magazine she is looking through with Nichole Daniels. Her and Nichole are lying on their stomachs on Bebes' queen sized bed, a magazine sat between the two.

"Oh my god," Bebe squeals excitedly. Her arms jolt forwards, resting her hands on both of Wendy's shoulders. "Wendy finally lost her V Card! Give us the details, girl!"

Nichole giggles at the expression Y/n makes. Y/n's nose scrunches up, and a look of disgust overtakes her face. "Oh god. It was bad enough hearing Stan gush about finally having the courage to have sex with you. Do I really have to hear about how good in bed he was?"

Y/n and Stan are close. Closer than normal siblings. They tell each other everything and anything. Some people find it strange, but with the way their family functions, nothing is too personal or weird to talk about.

Wendy sends Y/n an apologetic smile. "I won't go into details, but he was so sweet. He even got me a rose and this promise ring." Wendy holds out her hand, showing off the sparkly ring.

"Aww," Bebe and Nichole coo in unison. The two take turns, holding Wendy's hand to inspect the gorgeous ring.

"It's so pretty!" Bebe gushes, feeling slightly jealous. She wishes her boyfriend would get her a beautiful promise ring like that, too.

"Stunning," Nichole whispers with a bright smile.

Y/n lets a small smile crack, flipping to the next page. "I told Stan you'd love it."

"You picked out the ring?"

"Not entirely." Y/n closes the magazine, seeing as Nichole is no longer interested in reading it, and sits up to face Wendy. "Stan wanted to make sure he picked the perfect one. So I showed him a few rings I thought you'd like, and he picked from those."

Wendy lanches herself into Y/n, giving the h/c haired girl a tight hug. "Thanks, Y/n."

Y/n pats Wendy's head gently, returning the hug with her other arm. "I gotta make sure that dummy takes good care of my future sister in law."

"I just realized something," Bebe states, tapping her index finger against her chin. Wendy and Y/n pull away from each other, both giving Bebe a curious look. "This means Y/n is the only virgin left in our group."

Y/n's face turns pink at the accusation. "No way."

"It's true. I lost mine to Clyde, and Nichole lost hers to Tolkien. Red and Heidi lost theirs, too."

Wendy grins at Y/n, teasing her. "You know, you and Kyle would be super cute together."

"Not happening," Y/n groans. Wendy has been trying to set her up with Kyle for the past few weeks.

"Oh, em Gee! You're totally on to something!" Bebe squeals.

Nicholes eyes light up, picturing how cute the two would be together. "Aw. Kyle is so sweet."

"And he has a sweet ass," Bebe adds on, giggling. Y/n smacks Bebes shoulder in a playful way. "What? He totally does!"

"Don't objectify him," Y/n scolds Bebe, thinking of all the good qualities of her brother's best friend. "He's super nice, and he's a good guy. He doesn't deserve that."

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