Four: The Jew and the Bitch are teaming up against me

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Y/n smiles, waving at the three boys sitting around the lunch table. "Hey guys! Where's Ken?"

Stan shrugs his shoulders, looking up from his phone. "No idea. We thought he was with you."

"Nope." Y/n takes her brother's usual seat next to Kyle since Stan is sitting in Kenny's usual spot talking to Cartman about something.

"Hey, Ky." Y/n flashes the redhead a bright smile. She originally came to the boys' lunch table to talk to Kenny about possibly hanging out this weekend, but since he's not here, she is more than happy to talk to Kyle instead.

'Kenny has been working most weekends lately. Maybe I should ask Kyle to study this weekend instead?' It's been two weeks since their first study session, and she is learning a lot better since then.

"Hey, Y/n," Kyle greets her back. He internally thanks Stan for sitting in Kenny's spot today, even if he didn't mean for this new seating arrangement. He is happy for the opportunity to be close to Y/n.

"Hey, you available this weekend for another study sesh?" Y/n asks, opening her chips up and popping one into her mouth. "We have that essay due next week, and I'm stumped."

Kyle chuckles lightly. "Yeah, I can help you with it."

"Sweet! We can work on it at my place if you want. Much more comfortable than the boothes at the coffee shop." She feels giddy at the thought of being alone with the cute redhead. Even if it's just to study.

"Yeah, that works for me."

"Since when have you two been hanging out?" Stan questions, overhearing their conversation. He has noticed Y/n and Kyle have been talking more, and Kyle has dropped her off at home a few times.

Y/n grins, slinging her arm over Kyle's shoulders. "Kyle has been helping me with my English homework these last few weeks. It's been much more helpful than my study dates with Kenny."

Kyle blushes bright red from the physical contact. He knows Y/n is a very touchy person with Kenny, but he never expected her to act like this with him. Especially with Stan sitting right in front of them.

'Oh god, Stan is watching this happen.' Kyle nervously glances away from his best friend.

Despite Stan being against Y/n dating his friends, he can't help find it a bit entertaining to see Kyle all flustered over her being so close to him. Kyle rarely interacts with girls, so even the slightest touch can turn his face the color of his hair.

Stan smirks at Kyle. "Yeah, Kyle is way smarter than Kenny."

"Your best friend is a smarty," Y/n teases Kyle while talking directly to her brother. She takes her arm back from around Kyle's shoulders but leans up against him instead. Giggling at the red blush, he is sporting. She finds it cute how easy it is to fluster the boy.

"God dammit, quit flirting at the table!" Cartman shrieks, glaring at both Kyle and Y/n. "You two make me sick."

Y/n sticks her tongue out at Cartman before smirking. "Does this make you uncomfortable?" She leans over, wrapping her arms around Kyle, bringing him into a side hug.

Cartman's face scrunches up. "Ew! That's disgusting!"

Kyle isn't sure how much more teasing and physical contact he can take from Y/n -though he secretly loves every second of it. He hesitantly lets his hand rest on Y/n's middle back, careful not to do anything that would upset either her or Stan. His eyes never leave the side of her face, enjoying the beautiful smile on her face.

Stan always thought he would be repulsed by the idea of Kyle and Y/n getting close. But surprisingly, the scene before him doesn't upset him as much as he once thought it would.

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