The hangout (infected, pest, poob and lampert)

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Poob eagerly awaited the arrival of infected as they jittered and jumped excitedly next to pest, who crossed his arms annoyingly and huffed out, lampert, who'd been in the restaurant 3 hours earlier, was standing eerily still as always, checking to see if it needed to clean himself under any circumstances, pest groaned 

"いやあ..when is that guy going to arrive?"

"Soon! JUzt wait :3"

Pest gave a sneer full look before hearing the tumble of footsteps, infected, who'd looked like he's been running through a hurricane, stumbled onto the foot of poob, panting 

"g33z! Sry I w4z l4t3 br4h Xd" he apologetically expressed as he let out a small sneeze, prompting the lamp to twitch a little. Infected propped himself up and gave a loud exhale while pest chittered

"About darn time. 愚かな. Can we enter now?" He turned to poob sternly who'd already started to push through the doors, expressing their approval, as the four went to their designated seats (with lampert making sure to disinfect the area with wipes of course) they cozily settled and waited for their food

"YAYY! 4 of my best buds r here for my PARTI!"

"1 th0Ught 1t w4z a h4ng0ut?"

"It is. Stupid critter" the beetle scoffed, prompting poob to pout their lips 

"Aw c'mon now pezt! Dont b a parti pooper!!"

"-If It really matters, I think he time we spent together is more important than anything. Isn't that right kaspe- I MEAN infected?" The little lamp butted in, turning to infected for his input

"Uh-? 0h y34h t0t4ally!!1!"


Pest rolled his eyes "whatever"

Poob soon noticed the silence setting in, they were NOT letting that Helen's though "so how is everyone? Anything special to say? :3"

"いいえ nothing much other than having to deal with you."

"Pezt!!!! >:^"

"Eh I've been residing in IKEA for a while. You know, my job. It's fun being the janitor, I can finally have an excuse to constantly tranquilize the grimy filth"

"4r3nt yu0 th3 0k y gUy 4t 1k34?"

"I mean....yes you're right, but hey, free meatballs!"

"Wat abt u infected!!"

Infected scratched the back of his head "3rm....1z b33n c00l m0ztly, 1v3 b33n gr1nd1ng my st4ts !n rUn3sc4p3 ^_^"

"No one wants to hear that." Pest muttered as poob gave them a light punch by the shoulder. Infected's smile flattened and he looked slightly hurt before the lamp chimed in 

"RuneScape? Perhaps you can tell us more about it?"

"N4h 1tz c00l, 1 th1nk w3 g0tt4 0rd3r 4nyw4yz-"

As the gang ordered their meals, they chittered about miscellaneous things, all while infected chimed in, the comment pest made out of spite really did hurt him a little more than infected would like to admit, but he didn't want to cause some petty drama and probably a broken nose, so he kept his mouth shut. All until a particular topic struck him back.

"So did any of u guyz hear abt the elevator thing!?"


"You know!! When mark opened it, and zaw like huge scratches and the roof was bursted out of!!"


"Yeah, mark told me all about it, he told me that whatever did that was...beyond an animal probably."

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