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The pain..

Oh God, the pain.

Perhaps it was one of the most disgustingly painful moment that you had ever experienced in your entire life. The way the sickening feeling of your conciousness as the bones—your bones, gets crushed at the impact of the vehicle that crashed upon your body. You had never felt something as miserable as this, you wanted to weep, to scream, and yet nothing came except the gurgles that you didn't even realize was yours. The blood that stained the concrete, the rushing of lights that blinded your vision, the screaming of passerbys that had watched the scene unfolded before their own eyes. In your vision, you saw nothing but a mess of colours as the ringing in your ears never subsides, and in the eyes of others, they are left to see the image of the most haunted and desperate look you could ever see in someone that settled itself in your face.

"Cold.. i'm so cold."

You whispered softly, yet noone could understand. The feeling of light-headedness made you powerless in the hands of death. You could only weep—your tears beautifully staining your cheek, ashenly and deathly pale as your eyes began to cloud with the neccesary drunken haze of someone who is about to die. What a cruel fate, you realized, for you had not experienced your life to the fullest. You had not experienced what it meant to love–to be loved, the experience of a succesful call back whilst searching for a job, your last meal that was hand-made by your mother, the highschool romance you would look for in every person you met.
You had not enjoyed your last dinner, your last conversation– and you surely had not enjoyed what it meant to live such a meaningful life.

You grieve the life you were stripped off to, you grieve the you who is left as a miserable cripple in the middle of the street.

And as the darkness finally settled itself upon your conciousness, you accepted your fate with a heavy heart. Whether it will be heaven or hell—all you know is that you were was a person with a grievance of a failed human being. What purpose it is to be human, if they cannot even succeed to live their life to the fullest?





The smell of smoke filled your sense almost immediately, forcing you to open your heavy eyes. Were you dead? Were you alive?

You glanced upright, seeing masses of trees that looks as if it its covering the horizon. It was all painfully dark and bleak, there are people, you noticed. Yet they emitted no sound, and all you could hear at the moment was only of the crinkling fire nearby.
You could only sigh, the foul smell and the chaotic sight was a clear indicator of your predictament,

You are in hell. Thats the most logical answer.

The foul stench of the bloodied corpses around you made you want to hurl, yet all that you purged was nothing but your stomach acid. You bring yourself to pull yourself up and to evacuate the scene, glancing back to see if you could take a valuable item that might be of use to you.

After searching through numerous dead bodies, you accumulated what you could find—which consisted of a bag which you stuffed a few clothing items that was still appropriate for use and any left over supplies like food (Which unfortunately is in a bad state because of the impact, and it was only a few that was still intact. You are left with no water and no equipment to help you survive) You take the scraps of what remains of the airplanes to make it as a makeshift weapon, the ragged yet sharp edges cuts your palm, yet you find that it is better than being left empty handed.

  Everything was foreign and frightening, you were walking on eggshells with every step you took. Your pupils frantically scanned your surroundings, always in a state of cautiousness as you observed the things around you that might be of a threat for your well-being. The cold wind blew harshly onto you and you cannot resist the shiver as your body shook from the weather, you hoped that this was merely a dream your unconcious state before put you in, but it proved more to be a purgatory for your sins.

   You made your way into a river nearby, the sound of the rushing water made no effect on calming your nerves. You slowly approach it and looked at your reflection, your (h/c) was now short, your face was smeared with ash and grime and your body was tainted with mud and blood. You realized, you are far more younger than you were before. You looked childish, because you are a child, and you cannot believe that the reflection in the water was you all along.

The you in this 'purgatory' is nine, and you were covered head to toe with filth.

  You quickly rinse off all the blood and all of the things that were sticking onto you in the water, you came back to the site of the crashed plane and looked through rummages of what was left behind. Finding something that you could make fire with and a tin can, you also found something that looked alike of a plastic bottle.

You made your way back to the river. And with the necessary equipment, you began cutting wood with the sharp edge of your make-shift weapon and began burning it in hopes that it would turn into charcoal.  You had no problem on creating a fire, the friction you created that will slowly burst into a small flame as you feed it whatever you could find to grow into something bigger.

You gathered sand, pebbles and rocks and you ripped a piece of your clothing to take the cloth. You waited for what seems like hours, and it made you thirsty beyond any means. Once the charcoal was formed, you quickly made a simple water filter as best as you could recreate it. You first rolled the cloth and stuffed it into the plastic bottle, making it look almost like a rose. Then you continued on putting the charcoal, the sand, the pebbles and finally the rock. You press on it until it is tightly packed and took the water from the river beside you and placed another bottle below the water filter.

  You watched tentatively, the small drops of water as it slowly pooled into the bottle. During it, you observed everything around you, fully prepared to take action if something is to be of a danger to your well being. Once you gathered enough water, you looked for the signs if it was safe enough to consume. You noticed that it was safe since it did not have a smell nor was the colour muddy, and you gulped the water to satisfy your thirst, there was still a lot and you pocketed it for further use. Despite your outer appearance that showed a rather calm composure, you were terribly afraid and you felt like you could throw up your guts at any moment. 
Before you realize it, you were shaking and the tears just won't stop falling, but you still forced yourself to move and scan your perameters hoping for something—for someone that was in the same fate as you.

Not long after, you found exactly what you're looking for.

And it was in the form of the boy that looked no older than you, laying down infront of you in a daze as he looked at you with fear in his dead-like eyes.



Wonder who that boy is, anyways this story will focus on Ijin's back story with the reader before going with the plot. There will be some that won't be lore accurate since backstories are often revealed in new chapters and i don't really wanna read that much, but some scenes are taken straight out of the manhwa ^^

PURGATORY.                                                      Yu Ijin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now