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Unsurprisingly, Ijin became the hot topic of the school after he had mercilessly beaten up the supposedly top dogs of the school. And you were also becoming a topic people love to gossip about, and you two became something many feared and adored at the same time. (A weird combination, yet you put in mind that they are only kids—and kids are one where the words "childish" and "annoying" merged together in a twisted harmony.)

Though keep in mind that because of a few beatings, it would not serve as the final straw to put an end towards the harassment Dayun had received, rather it was alike of oil that was poured down into a raging fire. That is to be expected when you are dealing with insecure adolescents that believes that they are in higher power—a big fish in a small pond, if you will. They will keep charging as a way to preserve whatever dignity they try to uphold, to secure their fragile ego and to assert whatever make-shift power they had build as a foundation for their actions.

"I am truly jealous, Yu Dayun." The blonde had uttered towards the brunette as she gritted her teeth, and you can't help but gaze at her for a little longer than the others.

Perhaps if she was a little more pathetic, you would be sympathetic.



You and both Dayun and Ijin stopped by a grocery store together, and Dayun mulled over the various choices of vegetables that was on display as both you and Ijin stood behind her looking around the place. People whispered as they looked at Ijin, and the glances that were sent over to him by them were slowly getting on your nerves but you didn't let it show.

'I knew he was popular at school, but now he stands out in public too? Just my luck.'

You grit your teeth as you smiled, and you hold his forearm in a tight grip and hugged it close to your chest, practically smushing your cheeks into his arm.

Dayun was silent, and seemed conflicted and in thought for a moment, but she then opened her mouth to ask her brother a question. "Ijin.. have you ever had a girlfriend back home, like other than Y/N?" She mindlessly asked, then apologized profusely because she thought it was too invasive.

You laughed it off, and Ijin shook his head.

"No i didn't."

Dayun looked confused and bewildered, "Why not? I can see you being popular with girls.." Dayun cracked a smile as she glanced at her brother.

"I was busy taking care of her, of course." Ijin smiled gently and rubbed the top of your head, you melted in his gentle touch and began to snuggle closer to him.

You giggled and Ijin looked at Dayun once again, "And you? Do you have a boyfriend?" Ijin asked her, and Dayun looked surprised, "A boy you're dating, perhaps?" You asked micheviously and she looked away from the both of you.

"Oh no..." She solemnly said, and you looked at her with curiousity.

"Why not?"

She paused for a second, "..i was busy, too."

For some reason, it felt as if there was a lump in her throat.




"Here you go, Ijin"

Ijin's grandfather handed him a phone, and you and Dayun immediately noticed how it's the latest model.

"All the kids have one like that anyways, i don't know if you'll like it, but they said it's a good phone." He smiled gently at Ijin, before looking at you.

"I have already saved Dayeon's, Y/N and my number in the phone." Ijin kept looking at the phone in childlike wonder, and you feel slight sadness that he cannot enjoy simple things like this in his childhood.

"You did? But i always help you with things like this because you forget how..." Dayun asked confusedly, and Ijin's grandfather laughed awkwardly. "Well, Y/N helped me.."

"Well why didn't you ask eonnie to just do it for you? She would've done it herself if you asked."

You smiled gently as their grandfather smiled back towards Dayun's question, "It's just... i wanted to do it for him myself." Dayun looked at her grandpa with wide eyes and he continued as he directed his gaze back at Ijin.

"I heard that opening new things matter a lot to young people these days, i hope you don't mind me opening it to input our numbers.."

Ijin smiled and shook his head, "It's fine, i don't really care about things like that.. thank you so much." He gripped his phone tighter with a look of slight awe, and you felt yourself staring at him in adoration.

"I like it."

The three of you smiled gently at him, and your heart celebrates with the slow improvement of his happiness.



"Haha, you think the major's gonna be pissed you're not using the phone he gave you?" You giggled as you snuggled against Ijin's body as he texted the Major about saving his new number.

He hummed in thought, before closing off his phone and turned slightly towards you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He buried his nose on the top of your hair and closed his eyes.

"...i don't really care if he did. The present grandpa gave me is worth more."

You pressed your cheeks against his chest and remained silent for a few seconds.


Suddenly, a thought came over you as melancholy seeps in you.

"Ijin, this is all... real, right?"

Deep in your heart, you fear that you will wake up and it will show that you are still in camp fighting for your life. You fear the day you'll have to kill again.

Ijin pulled back slightly and kissed the corner of your mouth.

"Everything is real, nothing is a dream."

You gazed into his eyes a little longer, before pulling at his cheeks gently to give him a kiss on the lips.

"Atleast kiss me properly" you gently booped his nose with a smile, and he looked at you with adoration before gently kissing your forehead and hugging you close to his chest again.

"Satisfied?" Before you could say anything, he gave you a flurry of kisses from the top of your head to your jaw, and you softly giggled at the feeling as he smiled.

"Oh, you little bastard.."

he shushed you with a kiss again and you finally stopped talking.

"Go to sleep, i'll be here with you." He gently patted your back and softly run his fingers through your hair

You hummed at his words,

"For the night?" You looked up towards him, and he showed you a gentle smile that radiates his love for you.

He shook his head and caressed your cheek softly,

"No, Forever."

The gentle atmosphere brought deep sleep for the both of you after so long. With hushed whispers and gentle laughter accompanied the night.





Hi sorey this was late im doing my finals rn, really appreciate the love and the support from this i had never expected it to get this popular

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