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6 Months Later.

It was truly unexpected.

Your heart warms and hurted at the sight.

In the airport, you stood behind Yu ijin who was wearing a suit. You wore a summer white dress that was given to you by the Lieutenant. An old man cried as he hugged Ijin, whilst a cute girl in a yellow sweater stared at him in shock.

So this is family?

You stared at the scene, and you etched a smile in your face.

He is loved. And you are glad.

The people then took notice of you, and they gave you a confused smile. The old man that was hugging ijin shuffled back to look at you and give you his attention,

"And you are, miss?" You stared, and gave them both a sweet smile.

"My name is (Y/N), it is nice to meet you. Please do not mind my presence." Speaking gently, you bowed to the older man, and he panickedly tries to get you to not bow.

"Ah, you should not bow to an old man like me.." the man said awkwardly, and Yu Ijin chuckled.

"This is (Y/N). She is the closest person to me. My lover." As corny as he said it, he was fully serious about it. The man then looked at us with a softer gaze as i feel Ijin's hand sneaked around my waist to pull me closer.

"Welcome to the family, (Y/N)."His grandfather spoke with such gentleness as he took my hand in his, grasping it softly. The warmth of his hand spread through my cold ones, and it was a type of warmth that i've never felt before in my both of my lifes.

For the first time, my eyes widened with shock. I was surprised at the warm welcome. I felt as if i was holding back tears that was about to burst.

I gave them a soft grin,

"Thank you."

I couldn't help my wishful thingking.

Maybe i can feel what it means to be loved, too?


You all arrived at Yu's residence, it was an apartment building in the city. You sat with perfect posture in the dining table with Ijin's grandfather and little sister.

"I surely hope i am not bothering you all. Is it alright for me to be here?" You asked them with a concerned gaze, yet they shook their heads at you.

"Please, do not worry, you are Ijin's closest person, so you are basically family." The man reassured, and i gave him a gentle smile

"Thank you for your hospitality." I say softly, i then turned my attention to Ijin's little sister,

"You must be Yu Dayun?" I gave her a smile and took her hand softly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, i will be in your care later on since we would be going to the same school."

Yu Dayun looked at me flustered, and she nodded her head and smiled back at me, i couldn't contain myself and pinched her cheek whilst having a grin,

"You're so cute!" Ijin's grandfather laughed wholeheartedly at Dayun's flustered expression as she shyly pouted at me. From the corner of my eyes, i see Ijin poking his head from the wall, smiling gently at us. I noticed him and i gave him a gentle smile to which he blushed at.

Ijin's grandfather introduced himself to me not long after, flustered that he had not did it earlier since he was preoccupied with his grandchild returning.

"Can you tell us about yourself more?" Dayun asked me curiously with a cute glint in her eyes, and i giggle at her,

"Of course, what is it that you want to know?"

She hummed, and thought about it for a second, "Everything about you, please!" Even if she had shyly requested it, you could not ignored the enthusiasm that she carried within her.

You sighed softly with a smile, "About me huh.. well, my hobby is painting and i like to bake a lot." You give out general information about yourself to them, careful on not slipping bits of your past to them.

They listened with interest as you list off a few things about yourself, and then you stopped as you give them a michevious smile.

"Well, are you now ready for the part where i tell you how we met?" At Dayun's brightening eyes, you can't help but reach over to pinch her cheek again,

"Wwuuu swtap it siwster!" Her muffled protest made you and Ijin's grandfather cackle and you released her cheek as she stared at you with a pout.

"Alright i'm sorry!" You chuckled, and before you could start, Ijin came back holding dishes and placed it on the dining table. Giving you all a small smile.

"I think thats enough of your teasing." He chuckled softly and i stick out my tongue at him.

"Blee, no funnn!" He then gently pinched my cheek in response.

I looked at the food that was served and my eyes brightened, whilst ijin grandfather sweatdropped.

"I already told you to stay put.." he sighed, "you just came back home, you shouldn't prepare the food.." Yet, he gave him a gentle smile.

Ijin sat next to me and began piling food on my plate, and i pouted at him to stop babying me, in which he just smiled and ruffled my head.

Dinner went by with a type of warmth i had never experienced in both of my life.

PURGATORY.                                                      Yu Ijin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now