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You gazed back at the reflection in the mirror infront of you, despite everything, it was still you.

The 'you' seemed to be gazing back with the same intensity, grime and blood smeared upon the skin of the face that resembled yours with an uncanny twist. You were always prepared to face such horrors of everyday life, and you found yourself behaving in a way you crafted yourself to be in your 'past life'

One might say you've went far beyond the state of insanity, yet you weren't bothered in the slightest.

Blood dripped from your arm to the floor, the bandages unveiled and scattered all around you in a chaotic mess.

Often, Ijin would experience nightmares he would not show in his expression. Yet when he came crawling to you silently, his hands reaching to embrace you in a silent plea, he would gaze up at you with dead eyes that tinkled with adoration, he would view you with his lips parted as he plead like a starved man,

'Save me from this purgatory.'

It was the meaning of his constant approach on you, to feel you wrap your arms around his neck gently as you pull him to sleep on your collarbone as your hands run through his soft hair. He would bask in your comfort greedily, he would claw at your arms and at your back. He would crush you under his embrace as he holds you for the night. You were never a woman that was made to be embraced, yet he made you to take back your words on your perspective of your own being.

It was quite a pitiful sight,

You pushed your head forward to settle comfortably on his collarbone, your nose rubbing gently against it, "Oftentimes, i wonder if i am still alive, or if this all is a fragment of my imagination." You explained softly, your hands wrapped around his neck

Your scars itched, and he blamed himself for not being able to save you from the fate you damned yourself to.

"I want to experience the world, i want to feel what it means to be normal."

Tonight, he is Jin. He is a ruthless mercenary that had been trained for over 10 years. But strip him off his title, strip him off his badge and power, and he is human. He is yours.

"I'll make sure you live the life you want."

And he will do his damn best to make you happy.



It was dark, and the tension was heavy. With the knowledge of death that could come knocking any moment. The atmosphere was something you'd only see in a funeral.

"Professor, i'm sorry it turned out this way."

An older man replied back, a solemn tone lingered in his words,

PURGATORY.                                                      Yu Ijin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now