11: KIND

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Dayun's bullying was never a mystery to you.

You found out not long after you've enrolled in this school, but to be truthful, you had never paid attention to it if it's not dire, and you played blissfully unaware to everything thats going on behind those classroom doors.

You never said you were kind, you just did things as it was if needed, and now it reached to the point where some kind of action was required for things to go as you planned it to be.

"You fell down the stairs trying to dodge a bicycle?" Ijin asked as he cleaned Dayun's wound, and you dabbed antiseptic on her scratches quietly.

"It looks as bad as if you had run into the bike, you know that right? You should be more careful." You gently put a bandaid on her cheek as she laughed awkwardly at your concern.

Ijin and Dayun continued to converse with eachother, Ijin offering a trip to the hospital and Dayun seemingly scared and anxious at the thought of it.

Her hands clenched her bedsheets, and you couldn't help but narrow your eyes and frowned.






"Hey.. Dayun, tell me, is it really from the stairs?"
You asked her as you walk to stand next to her from the side of the bed, in the apartment there is only the both of you as Ijin had went out for the night and his grandpa is looking for him outside.

She flinched immediately, and you felt slight pity if not for the slight annoyance burning in your veins.

"It's nothing.. i promise it was just me being clumsy.."

You hummed and take a step forward, bringing your face closer to hers. Your expression made her flinch as it was unusual for you to look so cold and expressionless.

"I don't like it when people lie."

You grasp her cheek, and pulled it to look at the side harshly, showing the bruise on her face.

"She did this to you right? Those pair of siblings?" You asked her, and she looked at you with slight surprise and fear.

"Don't!" She gasped and gripped your arms harshly, so tightly that it might leave a mark if she continued, "don't tell anyone..."

You sat in silence as you look at her trembling form.

"Why should i stay silent?"

She looked at you with widened eyes as her mouth agapes, and you tilt your head at her in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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