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When Ijin woke up, he did not find you in his arms anymore. He panicked, and he hurriedly rushed out of his room to see you in the kitchen humming a soft tune whilst cooking. He frowned, knowing that you're avoiding your issues again.

You noticed him, and gave him a smile. "Good morning, you're awake pretty early than usual~" Taking the pan off from the stove, you plate the eggs neatly on the plates you placed on the counter. You were working relaxedly, your movement as if they were on auto pilot. But he knew better—you know better.

"We talked about this, i already told you that you need to stop doing this to yourself-" before he could finish, you shushed him off and gave him a frown.

You sighed and placed the plates on the dining table, shrugging him off. "Don't scold me early in the morning, i don't need it." Replying with indifference, you sat down and replaced your frown with a smile as you see Dayun walk out of your shared room sleepily.

"Good morning Dayun! I made breakfast~ It's your brother's favorite." You say enthusiastically and waved her over, and she sat down beside you and slumped over your shoulder, putting her face on the crook of your neck as she whined lazily. You giggled at her antics and glanced over to Ijin, who still looks at you with a gaze that says that hes not going to let go of this that easily.

I glanced at him with the same intensity, yet i stayed silent.

The walk to school was filled with silence, with Dayun concerned gaze looking over at us.


"What? Yu Dayun? The first year is your sister?"
Park Yungchan asked Ijin bewilderedly, and he looked at him with wide eyes.

Ijin looked at him with slight surprise, and i crack my eyes open as i kept my position of laying down on both of my arms on the desk. "Ah, you know her?" Ijin asked, and Yungchan looked slightly bothered.

"Um.. well to be honest, your sister's school life is difficult right now." Yunchan replied with a solemn tone, "Your sister was popular since middle school since she was cute and did well in school, and that attracted a lot of male students."

I tried to hide my interest in the topic, but Ijin noticed my serious demeanor. "But there was a girl who had a crush on one of the boys and bullied Dayun over it."

"Bullied?" Ijin replied, "and everyone just watched it happen?"

Yunchan looked down with a little bit of shame, "that's because the girl's older brother is Kim Kisoo, the top dog in the third  year's class 3.."

I prop my head onto my palm as i gaze at the boy infront of me with slight interest, "Kim Kisoo?"

Yunchan nodded, "And Dayun's life got even harder when she got into the same class as that girl starting in highschool." He sighed and looked at me,

PURGATORY.                                                      Yu Ijin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now