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"I told you you don't have to do all of this.. let me do the work." Ijin's grandfather fussed over you both in the kitchen, with you cleaning the counter and Ijin washing the dishes. "You should sit down and eat some fruits, Ijin. (Y/N)."

Ijin replied with a smile, "I said it's fine, i can do the dishes so you can go and sit down grand father."

You hummed in agreenment, "We are still young, let us do the work." You smiled gently, and Ijin's grand father finally relented.

The silence between the family was comfortable, and you couldn't resist humming a simple tune quietly. Ijin enjoyed the sound and was smiling at the feeling of the comfortable silence.

Ijin's grandfather smiled at us, "I hope the food today was to your liking. I tried my best at preparing food but i'm not very skilled."

You replied with a soft tone, "Please do not lower yourself like that, grandfather. Your cooking is a type of comfort that warms our heart." You complimented wholeheartedly as you walk back to the living room to join them.

Ijin agreed, "I had always enjoyed your cooking, the food is always delicious."

Ijin's grand father coughed shyly, "Ahem. Is that so? That's a relief."

Both you and Dayun noticed how flustered he is, the way he tries to hide the fact that his cooking is being complimented. Dayun told you awhile ago that he started taking cooking classes as soon as he heard that Ijin was coming back home.

He turned to Dayun and me, "Did you enjoy it Dayun, (Y/N)?" You nodded softly and gave him a warm smile, and Dayun replied with a yes.

Making small talk, he asked us how our first day was, and asked if there was any problems. Noticing Dayun's tense posture, we replied that there was no problem at all.

Bidding goodbye for the night, you all settled back in your own room. With you sharing one with Dayun. Approaching her bed, Dayun laid down and you approached her and tucked her in as if she was a child. You chuckled softly as she stared at you, flustered. Yet you know that she liked being treated like this.

"Good night, Dayun.." you whispered, and she bid you goodnight.

When you were sure that everyone else is asleep, you walked back to the living room with your hand grasping your phone. In the dark, the only light that illuminates the room was the light from your phone as you scroll through meaningless things.

It wasn't long before you hear a quiet, yet distressed grunt from Ijin's room. Quick on your feet, you approached the door and opened it, seeing his hunched figure over the bed. He was gasping and grasping his head in distress, his eyes blown wide open.

PURGATORY.                                                      Yu Ijin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now