Day one at Basgiath

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I look around the courtyard seeing nothing but a sea of black. Every single cadet is wearing their issued uniform. A tight tunic, and a pair of pants, the rest is up to us. We also have our wing, year, and section patches on our uniform. We don't get flight leathers yet, no point in wasting good leather on someone who won't even get on the back of a dragon. I have my daggers strapped onto me in various places. This morning I decided the sword would only come out for weapons training because it could hinder my movements. It could be the difference between life and death.

Ridoc stands beside me as Captain Fitzgibbons reads the death roll. When he began listing off the names I tried counting but gave up after forty deciding that knowing how many of us died on the first day wouldn't be good for me. The sun shines ever so cruelly after yesterday almost as if taunting us. Now shining brightly when yesterday the visibility was zero to none. I tug at the uniform near my neck getting irritated by the hot sun shining down, the black uniform radiating heat.

"We commend their souls to Malek" Fitzgibbons says as he finishes reading the death roll.

The scribes take the scrolls with the names never to be spoken again, their belongings to be burned in the pit.

"Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you're not going to get another chance before lunch" our squad leader says. Easier said than done is a saying for a reason.The only reason I have any food in my stomach is thanks to Ridoc basically shoving it down my throat.

"Bet your thankful now," Ridoc remarks at my side.
"You won't be when I throw it up on you" I shoot at him.

He offers me a smile which I return. The thing about Ridoc is that he doesn't get offended easily, I like that about him. We can joke around freely without hurting each other.

"Second and third-years, I'm assuming you know where to go?" The senior Cadets nod and split off into groups, each going their own way.

"First-years, at least one of you should have memorised your academic schedule when it was handed out to you yesterday" Our squad leader named Dain shouts out at us. He's really starting to get on my nerves.

"Stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet this afternoon in the sparring gym."

A smile creeps up my face as he mentions sparring . I may not have good balance but my teacher was one of the best, the best in our village at least. Regardless of whether I'm good enough or not I really do enjoy it. I just hope I'm not paired with the murderous asshole from first wing. Him I need to avoid. Someone that crazy is too unpredictable.

"Why are you smiling at the thought of sparring?" Ridoc asks, looking concerned.

"Because it's fun"

"That's kind of sadistic Saeri," he says.

"Maybe," I smile.

I glance around, finally having time to observe my other squad mates.I spot Sorenngail, and the girl with braids focused on Dain. If she can stay alive,so will I. I'm not talking about her being weaker than the rest of us. She has a huge target painted on her back being a Sorengail. For once in my life I'm grateful for being relatively insignificant.

"And if we're not?" A cadet from behind me asks. That was literally the stupidest question ever. Dead,you'll be dead. I hear Ridoc scoff from beside me.

"Then I won't have to be concerned with learning your name, since it will be read off tomorrow morning" he answers with a shrug. "Swayer?" Dain says looking at another first year in our squad. He's a repeat, didn't bond with a dragon at Threshing last year so he's a first year again.

"I'll get them there," he responds. I look over to see a tall, lean cadet whose face is covered with freckles. If I hadn't sworn to only focus on my studies and flying I would definitely try my chances with him.

"Stop ogling the repeat" Ridoc smiles.

"I'm only looking no harm in that, plus I've sworn off boys for the time being"

"Couldn't be me, if I die here I'm going out with a bang,if you know what I mean" He winks.

"No Ridoc I don't, and I don't want to know" I quip.

"What a shame we would have been great together," he jokes. I stare at him unblinkingly. "Sorry that was weird,and it felt insectious, you're like a sister to me," he says with horror on his face.

"Agreed" I say hitting him on the back of the head.

"Get going" Dain orders, and our squad breaks apart.

"We have about twenty minutes to get to class," Sawyer shouts "Fourth floor,second room on the left in the academic wing. Get your shit and don't be late." and with that he walks off, leaving us behind.

"That has to be hard," the girl with braided hair who I now know is named Rhiannon says. "Being set back and having to do this all over again."

"Better than being dead" I say as we pass them. Ridoc nods in agreement. I hear Sorenngail agree before we're out of hearing range.

"You know I haven't decided if I like her or not yet," Ridoc states.

"She can't be that bad,seems nice enough," I reply

"Yeah, I guess so. Let's hurry and grab our stuff before we're late to our first class."

We Separate on the stairs Ridoc going to the third floor and I head up to the fourth. The hallways still smell slightly damp after it rained yesterday but it's much warmer now that the sun has come out, you'd think the dorms would be warmer at a fucking dragon academy. I open my door and walk into my room. Somehow I'm the only first year who doesn't have a roommate, I guess the parapet and dragons wiped so many of us out that there was no one left to be put with me, not that I'm complaining. Very useful for breakdowns. I grab my bag and shove the books I need in it then rush down to meet Ridoc on the stairs.

"Got everything I hope,"

"I hope, or I might just get killed by a professor," he shivers.

"I wouldn't put it past them," I say in agreement as we walk down the stairs. We walk across the courtyard, the sunlight more bearable now that we're not getting blinded by it. I spot the academic doors between two pillars, students pouring into them.

"You any good at academics?" Ridoc asks  as we make our way towards them.

"Not my strongest suit but I can pass"

"Between the two of us we're sure to pass, right?" He asks nervously.

"Sure, but I definitely agree we'll be better at sparring," I cringe.

As we walk into the building making our way towards the class we're suddenly passed by Violet bolting past us.

"What the fuck?" I ask.

"Maybe she's just really excited for class," Ridoc suggest. I snort,maybe she'll help us get through this school year.

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