After Moon-rise

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The sun has long set, and I've already pulled on my night-wear. A lovely midnight blue, silky, thin strapped sleep gown that ends mid thigh.

So why is it that I'm still up, struggling to write a stupid essay. I've rewritten it three times and zoned out more times than I can count. I would dump the whole project if Devera hadn't threatened to cut fly time if we don't hand it in. I lean back in my chair and fidget with my quill. I'm able to use simple magic to write now, but I enjoy having something in my hand to hold for comfort. My vision blurs as I begin zoning out again, but three knocks on my door have me pulled back into reality. I wasn't expecting anyone to come over tonight, but maybe someone wants to have a late night chat. I'm all for anything that's not this stupid assignment. I stand and shuffle over to my door, opening it, but the glimmer of hope for relief from my suffering dies out as soon as I see that it's Liam standing in front of my door.

"Fuck off." I slam my door, but he throws a hand out and catches it just before it closes.

"Why so grumpy?" he tuts.

"You're here, isn't that explanation enough?" I sneer. "Now would you mind letting go of my door, I was sleeping."

His gaze shifts over my head and into my brightly lit room. The essay papers are spread over my desk and the discarded versions are crumpled on the floor.

"Doesn't seem like it," He looks back down at me with a smug smile.

"Fine I wasn't, but you can still fuck off." I try tugging the door out of his grip, but it's like he's glued it to his hand. "Really?" I scowl.

"Don't be so eager to get rid of me." He smirks.

"Well I am." I snap, and cross my hands over my body, remembering that what I'm wearing isn't the most modest thing.

"I need your help." he sighs, giving up his haughty demeanour.

"with what?" I quirk my brow.

"Grounding, shielding, all of it." He says exasperated.

"You're asking me to help you in grounding?" No way Liam is asking me to help him.

"Yes. What's not clear about what I'm saying?" He tilts his head.

I turn back to the essay that I'm so desperate to get away from.

Am I that desperate though?

Fuck, I am.

"Fine, come in. But you'll need to repay me."

"Thank you Saeri." He lets go of the door and takes a few steps into my room. I don't know why but suddenly I'm really fucking jittery. He glances at the balls of paper scattering the floor then looks back at me.

"Don't ask," I raise a hand, then motion for him to sit on my chair. "Take a seat then if you want help, or do you want to stand through the whole thing?" I cock my head to the side.

"Right, thanks." He clears his throat and sits down. Since that's the only chair in my room I opt to sit in the bed, using the blanket to cover my bare legs. I don't have anything to cover my bare shoulders though.

"So what can't you do?" I ask.

"The whole thing." He seems to shrink in the chair as he admits it.

I let a laugh slip, and slam my palm to my mouth. "Sorry," I whisper. But it's kind of funny. Liam who has beat me in everything, who has made my accomplishments be disregarded by my seniors and peers, can't do something as simple as grounding.

"Don't laugh," He scowls. "I seriously can't do it properly, my head keeps spinning and I can't focus."

Guilt hits me in the chest as he explains, because I know the feeling of spinning out of control all too well.

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