I can't see, I'm blind - SZA

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I wake and open my eyes, but see nothing.

Blinking rapidly, I try to clear my vision but nothing changes and panic rises in me.

I want to scream.

Is someone going to kill me?

Am I going blind?

I take in panicked breaths.

"Beliz? Beliz! What's happening, I can't see anything. Help me please, call someone, anyone." Warm tears run down my face, the saltiness of them reaches my lips.

Relax. Recall your surroundings. Beliz soothes.


Do as I say.

I grip my sheets and imagine my room. The cold bricks, the empty bed on the other side of the room, the mirror hanging by my door, the nightstand beside me, and the soft glow of the mage lights,my uniform thrown on the ground. Suddenly the images in my head turn into reality.

I can see again.

"What the fuck was that!" I snap.

Your signet. I told you I would channel soon.

"Well. That's so useful, I can make myself go blind, I'm sure that'll help me on the battlefield." I scoff

Don't be stupid. You can make others blind. However, until you control your power It'll affect you, not others. Beliz growls.

I let out a shaky breath and wipe the tears off my face. The sun is rising in the distance, the dim rays brightening my room just enough to see.

"Amazing." I say sarcastically.


"I want to be like the cool kids," Rhiannon grumbles as first-years from second and third wings pour out of the stairwell turret that leads up to professor Carr's classroom that afternoon, further clogging the hallway on our way to battle brief.

'We will," Violet promises, linking arms with her.

"You may be cool, but you will never be as cool as I am!" Ridoc pushes forwards to them, leaving me to walk beside Liam. I send him a glare, but he just smiles and winks at me.

"She's talking about everyone already channelling," Violet corrects him. "Though at least if we're not channelling we're not stressed about manifesting a signet that fucks us over," She glances over to me. "How many times have you blinded yourself today?"

"Five." I cringe. Since the morning I've managed to almost kill myself multiple times by blinding myself in the worst moments. Luckily everyone has been very helpful, guiding me when I can't see.

" Saeri keeps blinding herself, Sawyer almost stabbed himself multiple times. I'm getting less and less excited about channelling a signet." Ridoc laughs.

"Hey, I can control it now. For the most part." Sawyer retorts from my other side.

"She'll be a menace once she learns how to control her signet." Liam teases.

"Oh I don't doubt that. You'll be the first person she uses it on." Rhiannon chuckles. I scowl at her. They've picked up on my grudge against Liam and have been teasing me because of it ever since. They think it's silly but they don't understand. He's beat me in everything, but he decided not to continue that fight, as if he already knew the outcome. He thought he would win, he thought I was weak. And I just want to prove that even if I lose, I can hold my ground, that I won't go down without a fight.

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