Snow fight

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"I swear to the gods, do the professors want to kill us or something?" Ridoc scowls as we make our way towards the flight fields.

"No, they only want us to get a minor case of hypothermia." Violet shivers. The morning winds have died down but it's still as chilly as ever, not even the blinding sun is offering us much warmth.

"Well it's not exactly the professors fault that you guys didn't pick a winter flight jacket." I laugh.

"Well, unfortunately not everyone is as smart as us." Liam grins down at me.

"So very unfortunate." I say as I high five him.

"And so very incorrect of you two to say you're the smartest." Rhiannon scolds. I stick my tongue out at her and rub the sherpa lining that peeks out from underneath my winter leathers to tease her.

"Maybe not the smartest but definitely two of the strongest." Liam counters and stretches his arms above his head.

"Out of us,yes ,but out of all the cadets?" Sawyer jokes.

"Fuck off pokey." I say as I jump onto his back.

"Pokey!?" He exclaims and starts running with me still on his back.

"Hey let me down!" I laugh, kicking my feet playfully in a half hearted attempt to make him let me go. He slows and lets me off his back. The second I'm stable on the ground I shove him into the thick layer of snow that has accumulated over the past few days.

"Eiran get back here!" Sawyer shouts as he pushes himself off the ground and starts running towards me. Out of instinct I bunch some snow in my hand and throw it, however it flies past him and hits Liam straight in the face.

"Shit,sorry Liam!" I call back trying to apologise, but I'm unable to hold back a fit of laughter. The next thing I feel is a cold impact on my face from the snowball Liam just threw.

"There now we're even." he snickers as he approaches. 

There's no way I'm letting that slide. I grab another ball of snow and pack it down hard, this time he sees it and braces for the blow. This one ends up hitting him too.

"Oh you are so done." he smirks and begins to charge toward me. 

Turning as fast as possible, I begin sprinting but from the sound of it he's just about caught up to me. Right before he reaches out to grab me, I make a hard right and he almost slips on the slick snow. I continue running but swivel my head to see Liam still running for me, and give him a playful smile. I keep running until I reach the flight field where a few dragons have already landed but no one else is to be seen. I breathe in the quiet of the moment, more out of breath than I would like to admit. I can hear him before I see him, but what I'm not expecting is the impact as he runs into me and tackles me to the ground. I'd like to be furious but I can't get anything out except laughter. I can feel his hand on my waist and the weight of his body on mine before he rolls off onto the ground beside me, his shallow breaths visible in the cold air. I push myself up into a sitting position and look down at Liam who has his usual shit eating grin on.

"Asshole," I manage to get out through ragged breaths.

"You started it." He points to me, I offer him a hand and pull him into a sitting position.

"You think they'll be here soon?" He tilts his head.

"They'll get here eventually." I squint my eyes to look past the horizon and see small figures making their way over to us. "We did rush off though." I let out a small laugh. I turn my head to look at Liam but he's already looking at me. Despite the cold weather I feel oddly warm.

"What is up with you?" I ask in a playful tone and shove him.

"What do you mean?" He grins even wider, leaning closer into me.

"I... nevermind." I shake my head.

"I should ask you what's up, you're the one being weirdly nice to me." He teases.

"Says the one constantly touching me." I shoot back, but immediately regret my words.

"I'm barely even touching you." he replies, lowering his voice. "Just getting closer."

"Right." I let out a nervous laugh. Just as I'm about to say something incredibly stupid, I see Beliz swiftly soaring toward us from between the mountains. "Look, It's Beliz... and Deigh." I point as I notice Liam's dragon appear from behind Beliz. The two dragons land at an incredible speed and make their way over to us.

"How you don't fall off that huge dragon I have no clue." Liam stands then grabs my hand to pull me up, however he doesn't let go of it and only pulls me closer.

"Touching." I say in a singsong voice to hide my nervousness.

"Touching." He confirms and refuses to let go.

That is nauseating. Beliz echoes in my head, making my mouth drop.

"He was just helping me get up." I defend myself.

"Judging from your reaction, your dragon is also telling you that this is disgusting." Liam laughs.

"Something like that." I grumble. I loosen my grip on Liam's hand as I hear Ridoc's voice bellowing from behind us. Thankfully Liam takes the hint and drops my hand, but refuses to move further from me, leaving our shoulders touching,well my shoulder to his bicep because Liam is one tall motherfucker and I am not short by any means.

"Are you guys on something because how the hell did you run here so fast." Ridoc throws his arms over our shoulders, wedging between us and separating us.

"You act like an old man." I tease him.

"I do not." Ridoc protests."You have snow in your hair by the way." He ruffles my hair. "You too." He tells Liam.

"Yeah, that happens during a snowball fight." I raise my brows.

"Ah, the traces of a hard fought battle." He nods.

Would you like to fly or not? Beliz chuffs in annoyance.

"The professor isn't here though,"

We were informed that he'll be late, and the cadets are to begin without him.Responsibly. He informs me.

"Well why didn't you say so earlier?"

"Beliz says the prof is going to be late and we were told to begin without him." I say to Ridoc and Liam. "Responsibly." I add.

"I think the 'responsibly' part was meant specifically for you." Liam smirks.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I wave him off as I make my way over to Beliz, easing into a sprint and mounting him without much struggle thanks to all the practice I've had.

"Responsibly?" I ask Beliz with a look in my eyes.

Responsibly. He confirms. But only because Smachd will report back to him. I can hear the annoyance in his voice as he replies.

"I mean we could go on one of our flights soon?" I dance around the idea.

When the weather is not going to kill you, yes.

"Fine, let's just get on with practice then." I sigh.

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