Fuck No

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"Oren Seifert." Captain Fitzgibbons finishes reading the death roll and closes it as we stand in formation. Our breaths create clouds in the chilled air. Violet told us that last night six cadets tried to kill her while she was sleeping. Fucking cowards, the lot of them. Not only was it six on one, but the one had been asleep. If I could make them come back from the dead I would, and then I would kill all of them again, real slowly. I'm ashamed that I didn't hear the commotion from only two doors down. She could have died, and I didn't hear anything.

"I can't believe they tried to kill you while you were sleeping." Rhiannon seeths.

"Even worse, I think I'm getting used to it." Violer responds.

I listen to the announcements Fitzgibbons has. Small things like teacher absences, and reminders to follow the rules,mainly curfew.

"There's a change to your squad roll." I snap my head to Xaden, who appears out of fucking nowhere.

'Wingleader?" Dain questions. "We just absorbed four from the dissolution of the third squad."

"Yes." Xaden looks over to Second squad,tail section. "Belden, we're making a roll change."

"Yes, sir." The squad leader nods curtly.

"Aetos, Vaughn Penley will be leaving your command, and you'll be gaining Liam Mairi from Tail section.

I have to keep myself from screaming the moment he says it. There's no fucking way I'm this unlucky. I can deal with seeing him occasionally, but this is a whole different situation. With the same schedule we'll see each other everyday, all day. I watch as Liam nods at Xaden.

"I do not need a bodyguard." Violet snaps at Xaden. He must be doing this because of last night. I'm sure he's got Liam wrapped around his pinky finger, willing him to do whatever he wants. I didn't take Liam for a kiss ass, but I guess the son of the Tyrrish rebellion leader made him into one. I roll my eyes as he makes his way over to our squad.

"Liam is statistically the strongest first-year in the quadrant. He has the fastest time up the Gauntlet, hasn't lost a single challenge, and is bonded to an exceptionally strong Red Daggertail. Any squad would be lucky to have him, and he's all yours. Aetos. You can thank me when you win the Squad battle in the spring."

Liam steps into formation, taking Penley's place.

Bullshit. If he hadn't walked away from that spar he would have lost one. If I had been 10 seconds faster on the gauntlet I would be the one getting praised. I glare at the back of his head, wishing I could drill through it.

"I. Do. Not .Need. A. Bodyguard." Violet seeths, now raising her voice.

"Good luck with that approach," Imogen snorts.

Xaden walks past Dain and stands directly in front of Violet, staring her down. "You do though, as we both learned last night. And I can't be everywhere you are. But Liam here-" He points towards Liam."-he's a first-year, so he can be in every class, at every challenge, and I even had him assigned to Library duty, and the room next to yours. So I hope you get used to him, Sorrengail."

My mouth gapes open. "Why can't I keep her safe, Why can't we keep her safe?" I motion to Sawyer, Ridoc, and Rhiannon. "We're in the same classes, we're friends, and I'm on the same floor as her! There's no need to have him follow her around like a dog." I glare at Xaden.

"You're overstepping." Violet adds to my argument.

Xaden leans in toward her saying something that I can't hear, then turns to me and cocks his brow. "As much as I believe you are capable of keeping her safe, I trust Liam more, and if I'm not wrong he beat you on the Gauntlet, not to mention he's a better fighter." he takes a pause."But you're welcome to join him." he taunts, then turns, headed back to his place at the front of our formation.

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