Everything's Alright

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"Sariah!" I hear multiple voices shout my name as I walk into the mess hall.

Sawyer is the first to reach me. He pulls me into a hug and tucks his face into my shoulder, squeezing my body tight.

"It's okay, it's okay, there's always next year, you'll make it, we won't leave you."

"Sawyer, everythings okay, I'm okay." I hug him tight.

I know what he thinks. I know what they all think. They stand in front of me, worry and pity evident on their faces. I pull away from Sawyer and grab his forearms. "I'm okay, I bonded." I sigh out.

"You did?" his eyes widen. "Of course you did." He rubs his face in relief.

"That's our girl, always making an entrance." Rhiannon laughs.

"Sorry, I can't help it." I smile at them.

"You won't believe what we're about to tell you." Ridoc grins, then looks over at Violet.

"I bonded two dragons." She says, still obviously shocked herself.

"Not just any two dragons," Ridoc pauses. "She got chosen by Tarin."

"Holy shit, that's fucking awsome Violet. See I told you he would choose you, the smartest of our year." I say. "Probably the smartest rider overall." I laugh.

"Who did you bond with?" She asks me.

"His name is Beliz, he's amazing." I respond.

"Let me guess, he's a red, I doubt any other colour would want to bond with you." Ridoc chuckles.

"Yeah," I take a breath. "And a blue."

"Don't tell me you bonded two dragons too." Sawyer gapes.

"No, just one. But he's a red and blue." I say.

"But..how?" Violet asks. "That's not...possible." She trails off.

"I know, but apparently it is. He says it's rare but it happens." I reply. We all stare at each other processing the strange events of tonight.

"What about you guys, who chose you?" I turn to the rest of them.

"A green Daggertail!" Rhiannon grins. "Feirge. And it was just..easy. I was walking in the field and then I saw her, or more like she saw me, and I just knew."

"Aotrom, Brown Swordtail" Ridoc says proudly. "Took me a while to find him, but it was worth it."

"Silseag!" Sawyers says as he throws his arm around Ridoc and Rhi's shoulders. "A red Swordtail, found her pretty easy too." I grin at him, happy that he finally got chosen. He deserves it.

"Trina, and Tynan?" I look around to see them missing from the group.

"I saw Trina fall from the back of an Orange Clubtail." Sawyers shakes his head

"Tynan was killed by Tarin, he... he was trying to kill Andarna." Violet finishes.

"Damn." I shake my head. "I mean good riddance, am I right?"

"How did you find Beliz, and what took you so long?" Ridoc questions.

"Beliz said it wouldn't have been fun if he had made it easy." I roll my eyes. "I walked around at first, then climbed up a tree to get a better view of things and that's when I saw a cave. I just knew I had to get there. I scraped every part of my body getting there but it was worth it." I lift my hands up, showing the now dried blood painting my whole hand and running down my forearms.

"He really made you work for it." Sawyer grimaces.

"Like it said. So worth it." I grin.

"Let's get you cleaned up, you look like you killed someone." Violet jokes.

I look down at my crimson palms, and I'm reminded of Beliz. Then he catches my eye.


He's standing there looking at me with a smirk on his face. He knows I see him, I turn away and face Violet. "Yeah, let's go." I say, then turn to the door, but not before glancing over my shoulder to look at him again.

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