Noted: Flight leathers are not waterproof

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I look over my shoulder in the mirror at my relic. I woke up in the middle of the night to a warm, tingling sensation spreading across my lower back. I only saw it in the dim mage light before the sun rose. After waking up I couldn't fall back asleep, I debated on going on a walk, but couldn't gather enough strength to get dressed and leave my room,the pain from the day before very much present. I opted to talk to Beliz, who I can't say appreciated it, but he definitely enjoyed telling stories from his featherling years. I'm his first rider, and I already rue the day he has to choose a new cadet to bond.

We'll be changing into our flight leathers for our first flying lesson today, but I still need to get changed for breakfast, the rest of them will be heading down too. Reluctantly I pull my training tunic and pants on, then shove my feet into my boots and lace them up tight. I can't wait to fly again, I'm jittering just thinking about it.

A feeling of hunger rushes over me just as I start making my way over to the door. It's so intense that I double over and clutch my stomach. I don't remember ever being this hungry.

We will fly soon, now go eat or you will fall off.

"Are you telling me to eat, because you're hungry?" I ask.

It takes more energy to talk to you than you think. Beliz retorts.

"Really, that's just rude." I say out loud but get no response back.

I make my way down the stairs and see Ridoc waiting for me at the bottom of the first flight.

"Morning Saeri, have any fun last night?" He smirks.

"If by fun you mean talking to Beliz, yes." I snap, and smack him on the back of his head playfully. We start to make our way down the stairs and I trail my bandaged hand along the cold walls for support.

"Right, I forgot you're basically celibate." He laughs.

"Ass." I respond.

"So where's your relic?" He quips.

I lift the hem of my top up, revealing the red-blue relic spreading across the entirety of my lower back, dipping down and covering the side of my glutes with swirls mimicking the blast of dragon fire, but he can't see that, it's covered by my pants.

"Damn, bless the man that gets to see the rest of that." He laughs.

I tug my shirt down. "Stop being so dirty minded." I glare at him. He holds his hands up in defence and grins.

"Hey. I'm Just saying."

"What about yours?" I ask. He shoves the sleeve of his tunic up to reveal the brown mark of a dragon silhouette on his upper arm.

"Snazzy." I respond.

"Oh come one. That's all I get?"

"All you get." I confirm. "Where's Sawyer?" I've just noticed his absence, he usually joins us by this time.

"Unlike you, he had some fun last night." Ridoc winks at me.

"Good for him." I roll my eyes. Ridoc always always encourages me to let loose, and while I appreciate the sentiment, I don't want to lose focus.

We spot Rhiannon and Violet further down the stairs and shove our way through the crowd to get to them. It's a miracle we didn't push anyone down the stairs.

"Good morning, ladies." Ridoc says, throwing his arms over their shoulders. "Or should I say, riders?"

"I like the sound of riders," Rhiannon chimes, shooting a smile in his direction, and lifting a hand to greet me.

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