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Cole's POV

I look around and notice Maddy wasn't with us and I start to panic. Everyone stops laughing and Dalton's and Angel's face get serious quickly. "Breathe Cole, breathe," Angel says hugging me. "What's wrong?" Dalton asks. "Does anyone know where Maddy went? What if they got her Angel?!" I say freaking out. "Cole they didn't get her, you're just paranoid because of what happened before lunch," Dalton says patting my back. "A-are you sure?" I ask. "Yes,"he said.

Just then I see Maddy walking to our table with Dana at her side with his head down. "Tell them," Maddy says pushing him forward. "Calm down ok?" He says putting his hands up. She glares at him. "Fine. Well it started with a dare, Jordan, Gabe, and I had to bully Cole, Dalton, and Angel or we had to run across the field naked at our next football game at that time. Which was when our Freshman year? Anyway, Jordan was all for it, Gabe was kinda on the fence, and then me, which I'm telling the truth here, didn't want to do this whole dare/bet thing but then Jordan turned on me and said that if I didn't there would be worse consequences than having to run and streak so I followed, and I've regretted it ever since I agreed," he explains. Dalton looks pissed off and Angel looks like she's about to turn into the Hulk. The whole table is silent. Dana is looking at everyone to see what the response is. He looks as if he could cry, and then that's when I spoke up. "We forgive you," I say. "WHAT?!" Angel and Dalton say in unison and shock. Dana is smiling now. "Fine. But you still have to earn our trust, and you better be careful because one wrong move and you're back to square one," Angel says. "Agreed," Dalton says. "Would you like to join us?" Will asks making two open spots available between him and Jayden. "Sure," Dana accepts and sits with Maddy at his side.

I glance up to look at all the girls at the table who are talking about which horror movies are their favorite and why. I look at all three individually and think wow I have some beautiful friends. Dalton is interrogating Dana on why he likes penguins, and Will and I are talking about possibly going to the next Comic-Con together. And then that's when a fight broke out. "Comic-con?! IS SUPERMAN GOING TO BE THERE?!" Jayden shouted. "I'm sure, he has to be," Will says. "Superman? Pff oh please Iron Man is better, by a long shot," Maddy says crossing her arms. "Duh!!!!!" Dalton says high fiving Maddy. "HAHAHA BATMAN HAS YOU ALL BEAT!!!!" Angel yells. "Did I hear Batman?" Gabe says coming from nowhere. "Yes now join the argument if you want," I say. "Cool, now let's get down to business," he says clapping his hands. Everyone stares and shrugs. "Aww look at all of you thinking that Superman, Iron Man, and Batman are better because well Spider-Man," I state with a sassy tone. "Excuse you! Superman can naturally fly so bam!" Dana bangs his fist on the table. "Really tell me how well he can fly after Kryptonite is placed in front of him or when he gets hit by a plane," Gabe says rolling his eyes. "You guys don't have a huge house," Dalton says. Gabe and Angel exchange glances. "Really, you wanna go there, our house didn't get dropped into the ocean now did it? No I don't think so!" Angel says backfiring the comment. "And our Family didn't die," Maddy says with an evil grin. My eyes widen. "HOW DARE YOU!" I yell. "Maddy you know that's a weak spot for Batman, why bring it up?" Gabe asks looking genuinely hurt as he placed his right hand over his heart. "And our planet was destroyed by a black hole," Jayden says sighing. Dana, Dalton, and Maddy giggled.

Dalton's POV

As our argument continues Jayden looks at me with a pouty lip and puppy eyes and says,"Are really going against me baby?" She places her hand on my knee and my face starts turning red. She slips her hand up a little farther and stops right before going to "that spot" and takes her hand back and folds her hands. I huff and look at her as she laughs to herself. "Now why do this to me, it will come around," I say whispering in her ear. Dana and Maddy hear our conversation and laugh. Then Maddy realizes what Jayden and I actually meant and says,"Are you serious?" Dana laughs even harder. "What are you laughing at?" She says as she glares at him. "A really cute girl," he says. "Please you couldn't afford a girl with my kind of taste," she says rolling her eyes. "How about you let me take you out Saturday night and we can just see about that?" He asks her. Her eyes light up and she blushes slightly. "What? Are you scared that I'm going to prove you wrong?" Dana says going right back to his usual cockiness. "No it's just, I don't want to say why in front of everyone," Maddy says as her face gets a little redder. So Maddy and Dana lean in and Maddy whispers something to him. "So it'll be interesting," he says and shrugs. "I don't want to embarrass myself," she says. "Please, it would make me the happiest and luckiest guy on Earth," he asks with puppy dog eyes. She looks at him for a couple seconds and says,"Ugh fine, but only if you pay, and aren't rude or cocky," she says looking at the ground. Dana laughs and says,"I was going to pay for it without you telling me too."

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