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Dalton's POV

I was the last one to take a shower and we all walk downstairs and we see our girlfriends in our boxers, our t-shirts, our snap-backs, beanies, our socks, and whatever else. "Hey I'm Dana," Maddy said leaning against the wall. "Will what're you eating?" Skylar says to Angel who is on a step stool with Nutella and a spoon. "What does it look like? I'M EATING NUTELLA, REALLY WANTING CHIPOTLE, AND THINKING ABOUT POKEMON!" Angel yelled. "What about you Dalton?" Maddy asked. "GO TO FAT CAMP WILL!" Jayden yells at Angel. "AND WHAT ABOUT YOU COLE?!" Angel yells. "WHAT?!" Skylar yells and then slightly lifts her shirt up. We couldn't help it, so we started laughing really hard. They look at the stairs. "AYE!" Maddy yells and points and then does the whip. "What are you guys doing?" I ask laughing. "WE MADE CINNAMON ROLLS, WASHED YOUR CLOTHES, WE STOLE THEM, WE HAD TWO BIG ONES EACH, AND AND NOW YOU'RE NOT GETTING YOUR CLOTHES BACK!" Angel yells laughing at the end. "So we have to stay in these towels all day?" Will asked. "YUP! Skylar yells. The girls start snickering. "What's wrong?" Gabe asks. "YOUR FRIENDS CAME FOR A VISIT!" Jayden yells. We look down and we try to cover them the best we could. We walk to them and start acting like them now. "Oh my gosh have you guys seen Calum's new Instagram picture, it was so hot!" Cole says waving his hand like a fan. "OH MY GOSH ONE DIRECTION! LARRY! LARRY! DID YOU SEE THE FLAG?! HAHAHHAHAGAGAGAAHGAGAGAG" Dalton shouts. "Oh my gosh I love Gerard Butler, Michael Jackson, and Phantom Of The Opera," Dana says pretending to get emotional and putting his fist in front of his mouth. Will squats down and says, "I slept walked and cleaned again! Does someone have Nutella?" After having our dramatic moment we walk into the kitchen to find that there are no more cinnamon rolls. I hear giggling but pay no attention to it. Next thing I know is that Dana, Will, and I are now naked. We turn around covering ourselves. "Don't be ashamed of your bodies!" Maddy said. They start running in different directions, so of course we had to get our towels back.

Will's POV

I chase Angel into her room and she's by the window laughing. "You're never gonna get it!" She says. "Really? You wanna bet?" I ask and climb over the bed. "NO BE GONE SATAN!" She yells. I tackle her and she's on her stomach flapping her arms and legs. "NO GET OFF OF ME!" She shouts. I'm sitting on her back and say, "Not until I get to tickle you and you give me the towel." She stops and huffs, "Fine." After that we get up and go downstairs.

Dalton's POV

"Jayden come back!" I say as I almost catch her. "Hahahahaha no!" She says and speeds up more. She goes through the backdoor and I stop in my tracks. "If you want it, you gotta come out here," she says and waves it around like a flag and sits down cris cross. I groan. "Why won't you give it back to me?" I say with puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip. She stares at me then licks my nose. "Fine here ha go Dalty poo," and walks back inside.

Dana's POV

I chased her down the hallways. She laughs the entire time I'm chasing her and it's just so cute. About five minutes into the chase she slips and falls on her butt and the towel flies up and lands on her head. I take it off and wrap it around myself and then pick her up and put her over my shoulder. "What are you doing?" She asks. "Taking you back to the others then hopefully getting my clothes back," I say tickling her side a little. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP DANA NO!" She says and squirms.

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