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Skylar's POV

We all crashed at Angel's house last night. It's weird how she's 17 and has her own place. I smell food and jump up causing Cole to jump too. "What's wrong babe?" He asks in a raspy voice stretching and scratching his head. God, he is so hot, with his six pack, his biceps, just everything. "I smell food!" I say. "We gotta go get some, especially if it's Angel who's cooking!" He says slightly shouting.

We practically run down the stairs into the kitchen. "Hey y'all good morning! I saved you both bacon, waffles, eggs, and toast," Angel says waving a spatula in the air. Will is standing behind her with his arms around her. We take our plates and gather around the island and we all eat. All the guys except Will all start to giggle. "Umm Angel what's that?" He says trying not to laugh. She turns bright red. " I have no idea what you're talking about," she says turning to the sink. "Really? Cause it's purply-blue and round with red around it," Dalton says pointing his fork and circling it in the air. "Ooooo it looks like someone got a little frisky last night or this morning," Maddy says giggling. "Yeah so? Maybe I wanted to show her I love her, it's not like any of you haven't thought of doing that to someone else," Will says seriously. "We were just joking, we didn't expect the most innocent ones to do something like that," Jayden said putting bacon in her mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get snappy," he apologizes.

After breakfast the guys say they are going to the gym for a couple hours. After getting their stuff together for 30 minutes they finally leave. "So when are we gonna practice this whole band thing the concert is this Friday, and we really need to," Maddy says. "Well I have a music room and instruments," Angel says. "How can you have a house, instruments, and no parents?" Jayden asks. " Well let's say my parents didn't want to take care of me, so they left me their house which is paid off, they said that I get to have any furniture I wanted, I also wanted instruments, they got me that too, and then every two weeks the cops check on me since they knew my mom, shall I go on or can we start please?" She says standing there. We just stood there nodding not knowing how to respond to this. She opened the doors and there was a beautiful room filled with instruments. "So who plays what?" I asked. "We could vote or something," Maddy suggests. "I play drums," I say. "I play bass guitar," Maddy says. "I can play almost any guitar," Angel says, and I can play piano and I guess lead vocals," Jayden says. "Good positions are filled, now a name for the band," I say. "Coming Into Close?" Jayden says. "Not bad, not bad" I say. "It needs to be edgy but simple," Maddy says moving her hands in a circular motion. "The Worthless?" Angel says leaning back in her chair looking at the ceiling. "The what?" We ask in sync. "The Worthless, it's simple yet edgy," she explains. We look at each other and nod and come to an agreement. We four are now known as 'The Worthless'.

About an hour to an hour and a half later we've practiced all the songs and fixed them where they needed to be fixed, but that doesn't mean we can't fix it more. "Wait what are we gonna do for the male solo's in 'Bring Me To Life'?" Jayden asks. "Y'all leave that to me I already have something in mind," Angel says tuning her guitar a little. "What is it?" Maddy asks. "You'll have to wait until the concert," she responds. Just then we heard the front door open.

Cole's POV

"Hey girls we're home and sweaty!" Dana yells. The girls run out of a different room very quickly. "Woah calm down Speedy Gonzales," Dalton says. "What were you guys doing?" I ask them hugging Skylar. "What? Nothing we were organizing some things in there and no you're sweaty and you smell like Jayden's feet, sorry Jayden," Skylar says pushing me away. Jayden shrugs. "What's in the room?" Will asks. "Nothing it's just a relaxation room for when I don't feel good," Angel says folding her hands together. "Can we take a look in there?" Gabe asks lifting an eyebrow. "No! It's still messy!" Angel says stopping all of us. "There is no way that the Angel McCarrell has a messy room in her house," I say crossing my arms. "Well I just spend a lot of time in there so it can get a bit out of hand easily," she says messing with her hair. "Really?" We say in a sassy way. She shakes her head yes. We all stand there silent. The guys and I exchange a few glances as Will moves closer to Angel, I move closer to Skylar, Dalton closer to Jayden, Dana closer to Maddy, and Gabe closer to the door. We get directly behind the girls and start off,"1,2,3!" And bear hug them from behind while Gabe opens the door. After it's opened we let them go and walk towards the room. "Oh my god," Dalton gasps walking to the guitars. "Aye you have drums!" Dana says. "You have a piano and didn't tell me," Will says looking at Angel. "It's not messy in here," Gabe says getting really close to Angel looking her in the eyes. "Umm well it's ugh," Angel says trying to break eye contact with him. "Nope you gotta look at me," he says grabbing her shoulders trying to hold her still. "She doesn't like eye contact it makes her shy and awkward and very red," I say stepping to him. "She has to tell me why it's not messy though and I'll stop," he says. We turn away, all of us looking at the instruments and sheet music, and then we heard a loud thud. We turn and see Gabe on the ground clutching his stomach. We look at Angel and she says,"What? He was warned." And walks away. "Ok remind me not to get on your bad side," Dana says stepping back a little. "Yeah we learned that the hard way," Dalton says. "Well you learn this stuff when you have three older brothers," she says collecting the music. Will suddenly tickles her and she drops the music. " What was that for?!" She yells. "What is this?" I say sarcastically and pick up a piece. "I love this song!" I say loudly. " Well if you guys want I can play it on the guitar for you," Angel says looking at the ground. "We other girls can play it too, only if you want us to," Jayden says. "UMM YES PLEASE!" I yell. "Give us a second," Skylar says. They go over to the instruments Skylar sits at the drums, Maddy and Angel pick up guitars, and Jayden stands there. "Wait! Cole we need the music," Maddy says. "Oh right sorry," I say and hand it to them. After a couple beats Jayden starts in.

What doesn't kill you makes you wish you were dead.
Got a hole in my soul, growing deeper and deeper.
And I can't take one more moment of this silence.
The loneliness is haunting me.
And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up.

It comes in waves, I close my eyes.
Hold my breath and let it bury me.
I'm not okay, and it's not alright.
Won't you drag the lake and bring me home again?

Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown.
Who will
make me fight? Drag me out alive?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown.

We stand there with our mouths open. The girls catch their breath and stand up and walk over to us. "We didn't know that you guys could sing or play anything," Gabe says. "Well you thought wrong!" Maddy says laughing. "Wow that was amazing," I say and actually get to hug Skylar. "Hey you people! Go take showers!" Angel says pointing at us. So we all head upstairs to the showers.

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