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Dana's POV

It's now after school, and Jayden and Angel decided it would be best to take me shopping for an outfit for my date with Maddy tomorrow. When we are getting our things, Will comes up to us and wraps his arms around Angel, rubs her stomach slightly, sways her a little and says, "Do you guys mind if I tag along? My parents left me home again so I don't have any plans." We all look at each other and nod. "Hey how are you feeling baby cakes? Any better?" He asks Angel. "Yes and thank you so much for taking care of me last night," she says smiling. Jayden and I look at each other then at Will and Angel. "What exactly happened last night? Will tell me you did not get her pregnant," Jayden says. "What? No, last night we made Nutella cookies, he chased me and tickled me, then dragged me from under the bed, then I puked," Angel said happily. "Good that's the only thing that happened," I said. Then Angel started to giggle. "Hahaha well Will had a friend come to visit so that was a pretty interesting visit," she said looking up at Will. "Please Angel you said we wouldn't talk about my special friend," he whispers looking her in the eyes. "Hey guys? Whatcha doin?" Maddy says coming up to us and hugging me around my neck from behind. "What? Nothing, go away," I said panicking and ripping her arms off of my neck. "What the fuck?" She says as I push her away. "Fine. Break my heart why don't ya," she says walking out the door. "NO! BABY COMEBACK YOU CAN BLAME IT ALL ON ME!" I sing running and hugging her from behind. She stops and just stands there as I hug her and kiss her cheeks multiple times. "Your not gonna hug or kiss me back?" I ask in a pouty voice. "You told me to go away. So I'm going away." She says pulling my hands off and walking away. I look back and see everyone watching. I mouthed "What do I do?" "Sing to her!" Will says. "Are you lonesome tonight?" I start singing. She stops but doesn't turn around. "Do you miss me tonight? Are you sad that we drifted apart? Is your heart filled with pain? Shall I come back again?" She turned around. "Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight!" I sing. She runs to me and jumps in my arms. "That was cute." She says in my neck. She pulls back and gets really close to my face that our lips brush a little. "But, it's not nighttime." She says winking and walking away. "I have nothing." I say. "Till tomorrow night, Monsieur!" She says waving. "Au revoir, Madelyne!" I say waving back. I turn around, hold my heart, and walk back. Everyone just, claps. "Nice recovery," Angel says. "Thanks, so are we gonna leave or...?" I ask. "Are we just gonna meet up there or all of us ride together?" Jayden asks. "Well you and Dana can ride together and Angel and I will ride together," Will explains. "Yeah she'll definitely be riding something," I say raising my eyebrows. Angel makes an O-shape with her mouth and punches me. "Look she's already getting her mouth in shape for it too," Jayden says as we high five. "You guys are nasty," she says rolling her eyes and pulling Will behind her as they leave.

Jayden's POV

After arguing about who's vehicle to take, we decided to take his. I have no idea why we argued but we did. We didn't talk the whole way there until 'the song 'Look At Me Now' by Chris Brown came on. We both gasp and say in unison, "AYEEEE!" And then we started rapping to it.

As we walk in we see Will and Angel laying on the ground laughing. We approach them and they start coughing from laughing so hard. "Are we interrupting anything?" Dana says as we lean over the two. "No there was this small booth that was selling helium balloons, so we bought like five of them, and well you can put two and two together," Angel said as they sat up. "You guys are acting like five year olds, we have things to do," Jayden says standing up straight. "Well I'm sorry that we're having fun," Will says. "Can we just go shopping please before this turns into an argument?" Angel asks. "Yeah let's go, shall we start at Aeropostale?" Dana says nodding his head. We all nod silently and head off.

We've been shopping for what feels like ages and the only thing Dana has bought is a plain gray shirt, and black jeans. "Would this one go?" Dana asks holding up a dark brown leather jacket. Angel and I face palm and shake our heads. "Umm Dana I'm no fashion expert, but I don't think dark brown goes with gray and black," Will says taking the jacket away and putting it back on the rack. "Here take this one," Angel says handing him a black leather jacket. He tries it on and walks over to a full size mirror and looks at himself and adjusts a few things and then turns to us raising his arms out. We nod and clap. "Yes, yes, yes!" Angel says jumping. "She'll love it Dana," I say. "Our little Dana has grown into a man, it seems as if only yesterday he had his first crush and now he's going on dates," Will says putting one hand on his chest and pretending to wipe away a tear.

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