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Angel's POV

Jayden, Maddy, and I are on the couch still in their clothes and will probably remain in them all day. "Ok we can do this the hard way or the easy way," Will says getting close to my face. "WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER SPAWNS OF SATAN!" Jayden yells. "They chose the hard way I guess," Dana says shrugging. "W-what's the hard way?" Maddy asks. "I'm not sure I wanna find out." Jayden says. "Does it involve food?" I ask. "No but you'll probably be mad for a while," Dalton says. They grab us and throw us over their shoulder and took us to the back yard and just stopped. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask hitting Will's back. "1,2...3!" They yell and throw us into the pool. We come back up gasping. "WHAT THE HELL!" Maddy yells. "YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD! AND BESIDES ITS YOUR CLOTHES!" Jayden yells. " ITS BELOW F-FREEZING WHY D-DO THIS TO U-US?!" I yell. They look down and decide to help us out, instead we pull them in too. "Really?" They say in unison. We get out and run into the house. "My nuts are frozen," Dana says waddling upstairs to the bathroom. "WAIT IM COMING!" Maddy yells and runs up. Jayden and Dalton use the guest bathroom and Will and I use my bathroom.

After everybody is unfrozen, I decide to make lasagna for dinner. The guys already chose a movie to watch all we have to do now is fix our plates and watch the movie. We sit down in the living room with our food and hit play on the movie. I was excited for this, but then The Notebook starts playing and us girls look at each other and pause it. "Seriously?" Maddy says. "What? You're girls don't you swoon over Ryan Gosling or something?" Cole says. "EWW!" We say. Jayden then starts making choking noises. "That's what you'll be doing later," Dalton says. "That's stereotypical," Skylar says. "Let's watch 300!" Maddy yells. "Yes! That's my girl!" Dana says hugging her. "So is that a yes on 300?" Maddy asked. "Ya." Everyone said in sync. "Wait! Hold up! It's because of Gerard Butler isn't?" I said. "Not completely. I do like 300. It's just a bonus he's in it." Maddy says.

We watched like five movies and soon we got bored of just sitting there, so I went up to my room and got some supplies. "Angel why do you have makeup, curlers, straighteners, dresses, and heels?" Gabe asked. "Well I could tell y'all were getting bored so this is plan B," I explained. "Ok...are you guys ready then?" Dalton asked. "Hahahaha no, the girls aren't dressing up, you guys are," I said.

Before we dress the boys up, they decide to have a fashion show. And then I remember poor Gabe doesn't have anyone here for him. "GABE MORALES! COME HERE YOU LITTLE CHINCHILLA!" I tell. He stares at me, "Why?" "Just come here please," I say holding my hand out. All of us girls do Gabe's outfit.

We do our own boyfriends makeup and stuff. It was hard leaning over to do Will's makeup so I just sat on him. I put face softener on his cheeks. I smush his cheeks together making him look like a fish. "Will you have to sit still or your gonna look like a clown," I tell him. "But-"he said. "What?" I say and look at him. He then grabs my face and kisses me. "That's all!" He says and sits still closing his eyes.

Maddy's POV

We all meet back in the kitchen. "We look ridiculous," Cole says. "No you look beautiful," Skylar says kissing his cheek. "You were the ones who wanted a fashion show," I say. "But we didn't have to shave our legs," Will says. "Yeah now when I play football what am I gonna tell the other guys?" Dana asked. "Just say you got pranked by your girlfriend," I say. " I like the sound of that." Dana says. "I look like a women! I haven't seen my legs since the 5th grade!" Cole said. "Haha! Suckers! I still got mine!" Gabe says pointing to his legs. "Boy you too hairy! And you ain't got no style!" Dana says. Me and Dana look at each other, laugh while saying "Hey!" And high five. After the high five we flipped our hair, clicked our tongues, and snapped. We just started cracking up laughing. "What the actual fuck was that?" Dalton asked. "I don't know but I loved it!" I said. "That's our handshake now!" Dana said laughing. "Okay now we gotta get you guys dressed as dudes so you can walk us down the catwalk." Cole says. The boys all picked us up different way and carried us up stairs. Will carried Angel bridal style, Dalton carried Jayden over his shoulder, Cole carried Skylar on his back, and Dana carried me front koala style. When we got to a room, the set us down. "Okay, so what do you wanna wear?" Cole asked us. "I wanna look nice." Angel said. "I wanna look like a hippy!" Skylar says. "I wanna look like death." Jayden says. "I wanna look like a gangster." I said. "I swear, you guys are like a girl version of our minds." Dalton said.

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