Your Piano Will Forever Sing

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Hmmm, most definitely not my favourite chaoter but I suppose it'll have to do.


“ONE TWO THREE, let’s go!” Travis leapt around the stage like some sort of crazy monkey on Red Bull as the cacophony of instruments filled the room. He shook his head to the rhythm, but when he missed his cue Joey sang for him.

I’m in the business of misery,

Let’s take it from the top.

She’s got a body like an hour glass; it’s ticking like a clock.

It’s a matter of time before we all run out,

When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth.

I waited eight long months,

She finally set him free.

I told him I couldn’t lie he was

Two weeks and we caught on fire,

She’s got it out for me,

But I wear the biggest smile.”

Travis stopped dancing, whipping around to face her as she sang into what was supposed to be the back-up singers mike. Everyone knew Joey sang loud when she was belting, loud enough to override the instruments and lead singer, so the volume on her mike had been turned down. But that didn’t stop her; you could still hear her loud and clear. The bands practise room, currently Joey’s bedroom, shivered with all the bass and rhythm that filled the room.

Whoa, I never meant to brag,

But I got him where I want him now.

Whoa, it was never my intention to brag-”

Travis turned to the adjacent wall and marched over angrily, his face a hideous shade of red.

“-To steal it all away from you now.

But god does it feel so good,

’Cause I got him where I want him now,

And if you could then you know you would-”

Travis, with a heavy grunt, tugged the wires from the plug socket, causing everyone’s instrument, except for Dons drum, to cut out. But Don dropped his drumsticks, standing up threateningly to face off Travis. Nonetheless, Joey kept going, stepping away from her mike and swinging her guitar over her shoulder, eyes closed and passionate as ever.

“-‘Cause god it just feels so…

It just feel so good.”

She panted dramatically, her small barely-there fringe casting a shadow over her eyes. Travis felt his cheeks flush with his mild temper. “What was that?” He demanded, throwing the wires connecting everything to everything onto the ground. She shrugged, swinging her guitar back around and tugging on the strings. They made barely any noise.

“It was me taking over when you forgot the words.” He bared his teeth. Her voice was croaky because she hadn’t warmed up before singing but she still sang better than he did. Don and Gabe knew this well enough to be mildly pissed with Travis for his childish display of jealousy. Because that’s what he was; jealous.

Don and Gabe had heard Travis slagging off on his on-off girlfriend enough times to know his feelings towards her talent. His nose wrinkled and he took three threating steps closer to Joey, his eyes narrowing. Gabe took two steps closer as well, sidling up to Joey, and Don stepped around his drum kit. Travis pressed his lips together, eyeing all three people in the room. Joey; calm and collected about the incident; Gabe was ready to sock Travis’ lights out if need be and Don. Well…Don was Don.

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