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Joey grasped Rey’s limp grey hand as the nurses walked his roller bed to the operating room. His head lolled with the movement of the stretcher, all his wires and pumps linked up to a portable trolley monitor that the nurse kept glancing at.

She seemed so dead serious, saying nothing and not comforting Joey in the least. Zayn was a little bit further back than they were, walking at a casual snail’s pace. He didn’t want to watch Joeys face, see how worried she was.

“Okay mam, we’re going to have to ask you to sit in the operating waiting room.” The nurse said stiffly. Joey nodded as Zayn sidled up beside her, looking between the nurse and Joey. “What?” he asked. He was so calm about everything; it was good to have an anchor.

“You kids can wait outside.”

She wheeled Rey in and when the surgeon came past Joey spoke to her a little, asking what the procedure would contain. The plastic surgeon was a beautiful Asian woman that spoke fluently in a rather posh accent. Her gorgeous almond eyes flicking to Zayn and staying there.

“It’ll be a fairly complicated surgery, but I’m confident Mr Thomas will recover to peak health. There will, of course, be follow up surgeries, but this will be the first and only one for about a month. Expect him to be in and out of the hospital. But for now, I’m sure they will start reducing the medicine keeping him in his coma.” She smiled at the two of them beautifully and when she glanced at the watch, sent a wink at Joey and bid her farewell.

Both Zayn and Joey had been waiting for about an hour when her stomach started to roar. Zayn glanced at Joey when he heard the slight rumble coming from her belly. She didn’t look at him and was instead intensely focused on the operating room doors. The large clock above it read 8:30 and Zayn got up with a sigh. “C’mon Joey, let’s get something into your stomach.” She didn’t budge and Zayn leaned forward, grabbing her by the elbow. She blinked from her awake-sleep, turning to look at him. He gave her a small smile.

“Food?” He asked.

Joey looked at the doors and then back at him, smiling tentatively. “Yes please.” She whispered. He let go of her arm, straightening up. He pulled some sunglasses on and grabbed her arms. “It’s easier to wear sunglasses in a hospital when blind people are roaming around anyway.”

Joey didn’t bother to tell him that blind people normally didn’t walk around with their faces wrapped in a scarf.

“Just a snack though.” She told him as they walked down the stairwell. He looked over his shoulder at her, the scarf slipping to expose his mouth, which was turned up. “Why?”

“We ate earlier.”

“I don’t care. I’m having a meal and a half.”

“Whatever.” She sighed. They walked to the cafeteria in silence, smiling politely at everyone that they passed. Zayn looked like a right idiot. If he was blind, he wasn't supposed to smile at people when they smiled at him. That and his scarf made it difficult for Joey not to publically face palm.

She grabbed his arm and he turned around to face her with a frown. “Wha-”

She pulled off his glasses and his scarf. “Sit down. I’m ordering.” He stared at her, his mouth agape.

“But Joey, someone’s going to want me to sign their cast or take a picture with them! It’s a hospital for godsakes!”

“Stop being an asshole and sit the fuck down. I’m ordering.”

She left him standing in front of the present’s section, scowling at a table before walking over and sitting down.

“You can’t sit there.” Someone said softly.

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