Chapter 18 : Training Time

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(Alastor's POV)

After days of rest, Vox appeared to be regaining his strength, and I deemed it fitting to begin his combat training. Making my way to his room, I found him awakening from his slumber, the comforting presence of my shadow lingering nearby. It seemed to have happily taken on the role of a loyal companion in my absence, a silent sentinel keeping watch over Vox during his recovery. As I approached, Vox greeted me with a nod, his expression a mixture of anticipation and determination. Despite the remnants of his recent ordeal still evident in his features, there was a newfound resolve in his gaze, a testament to his resilience in the face of adversity. "Good morning, Vox", I greeted him warmly, noting the slight surprise in his eyes at my presence. "Ready for your first lesson in combat?". Vox's response was a hesitant nod, his gaze flickering briefly towards the shadow at his side before returning to meet mine. It was clear that he was eager to learn, yet perhaps apprehensive about what lay ahead. With a reassuring smile, I offered him a hand, a silent gesture of camaraderie and support as we embarked on this new journey together. As Vox rose to his feet, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his resilience and determination, knowing that with time and guidance, he would emerge stronger than ever before.

We descended the stairs together, the anticipation of the upcoming training session palpable in the air. As we reached the kitchen, I busied myself with preparing a cup of coffee for Vox, knowing that the caffeine would help him feel more alert and focused for the task ahead. "I appreciate the coffee", Vox remarked gratefully as he accepted the steaming mug from me. "So, what's on the agenda for today?". I met his gaze with a determined expression, my own resolve mirrored in his eyes. "Today, we're going to focus on combat training", I explained, my tone firm yet encouraging. "I'll be gentle, of course, and we'll avoid any contact with your screen. But it's important for you to learn how to defend yourself". Vox nodded in understanding, taking a sip of his coffee as he processed the information. It was clear that he was ready to face this new challenge head-on, his determination unwavering despite the lingering effects of his recent ordeal. "Alright, let's do this", he declared with a determined nod, a sense of determination evident in his voice. "I'm ready to learn". I look at him and gesture to the door, "follow me then", I softly say.

As we ventured into the forest, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. Vox's demeanor betrayed his apprehension, his uncertain gaze darting around the clearing as if searching for reassurance. I could sense the nervous energy radiating from him, his unease palpable even in the serene surroundings. It was understandable; the prospect of combat training was daunting, especially for someone who had recently endured such a harrowing experience. Taking a moment to gauge his apprehension, I offered him a reassuring smile, hoping to instill a sense of confidence in him. "You've got this, Vox", I reassured him, my voice steady and encouraging. "Just take it one step at a time, and remember, I'll be gentle". Though his expression remained uncertain, there was a flicker of determination in his eyes as he nodded in response. With a deep breath to steady his nerves, he squared his shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Alright, Vox", I said, giving him an encouraging nod. "Let's start with some basic strikes. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.". He nodded hesitantly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he prepared to make his move. With a deep breath, he lunged forward, aiming a tentative punch in my direction. I easily sidestepped his attack, offering him a gentle smile of reassurance. "Good effort, Vox", I praised, hoping to bolster his confidence. "Now, let's try again". We fell into a rhythm, exchanging a series of carefully choreographed strikes and blocks. With each movement, Vox grew more comfortable, his initial hesitance giving way to a newfound determination. I could see the fire igniting in his eyes as he pushed himself to improve. "Excellent!" I exclaimed, offering him a genuine grin as he executed a particularly impressive combination. "You're a natural!". Encouraged by his progress, I gradually increased the intensity of our sparring, testing his reflexes and agility. Despite the physical exertion, Vox remained focused, his determination unwavering as he met each challenge head-on. As the session progressed, I began to notice subtle nuances in his technique, signs of his innate talent beginning to emerge. It was clear that with time and practice, he had the potential to become a formidable opponent. "Fantastic work, Vox", I praised, stepping back to catch my breath. "You're really starting to get the hang of this. Let's keep going and see what else you're capable of!".

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