Chapter 31: Meeting Time

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(Alastor's POV)

I sat in the living room, the soft hum of the heater providing a comforting background noise as I waited for Vox to return from his meeting with Rosie. When he finally arrived home, I couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in his demeanor.  "Hey, Vox" I greeted, setting aside the book I had been reading. "How did it go with Rosie?". He offered me a warm smile as he settled onto the sofa beside me. "It went well" he replied, his tone upbeat yet cryptic. "It helped, but I'll spare you the details for now". I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his response. He had always been open about his interactions before, so his reluctance to share the specifics this time around piqued my curiosity.  "Fair enough" I said with a shrug, deciding not to press him further. "As long as it was helpful". He nodded, his expression thoughtful as he leaned back against the cushions. "Definitely" he affirmed, his gaze drifting toward the window as if lost in contemplation. I studied him for a moment, noting the slight furrow in his brow and the distant look in his eyes. It was clear that whatever had transpired during his meeting with Rosie had left an impression on him, though he seemed reluctant to divulge the details. "Well, if you ever feel like talking about it, you know where to find me" I offered, reaching out to pat his knee reassuringly. He offered me a grateful smile in return, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. "Thanks, Al" he said softly, the tension in his features easing as he turned his attention back to me. "I appreciate that". With that, we lapsed into a comfortable silence, the warmth of our shared space enveloping us as we both settled into the familiar rhythm of companionship.

Vox's gaze meets mine, a blend of anticipation and irritation evident in his expression. "So, I ran into Valentino again" he starts, instantly capturing my attention. The mere mention of Valentino stirs my curiosity about the enigmatic demon Vox mentioned earlier. "Valentino, you say?" I respond, my voice tinged with intrigue. "What's his angle this time?". He leans in, eager to divulge his news. "He mentioned he's got a proposition for us" he reveals, his words carrying a hint of excitement. "He handed me his card, suggesting we schedule a meeting if we're interested". I nod thoughtfully at Vox's words. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hear him out" I concede, though skepticism colors my tone. "But I'm being cautious. Given his line of work, I'm not exactly brimming with enthusiasm about any potential partnership". Still, I can't deny the allure of exploring new opportunities, especially if they promise to enhance our endeavors. "You can give him a call tomorrow and set up a meeting" I suggest, a faint glimmer of curiosity tugging at me despite my reservations.

As evening settles over our abode, Vox and I sit down to share a meal, the comforting aroma of home-cooked food filling the air. We engage in casual conversation, the day's events providing ample fodder for discussion. Amidst bites of food and sips of wine, we find solace in each other's company, a sense of camaraderie permeating the atmosphere. Eventually, our plates are cleared, and exhaustion begins to weigh on our eyelids. With a shared yawn, we bid each other goodnight and retire to our respective rooms, the promise of rest beckoning us into the realm of dreams. Morning comes with its familiar routines, and as I descend the stairs, I find Vox already up and about.  "I took the liberty of calling Valentino this morning" Vox announces as I join him downstairs. His tone is casual, yet there's a hint of excitement in his voice. His announcement about arranging a meeting with Valentino this afternoon catches me by surprise, a jolt of curiosity sparking within me.  "Already took the initiative, huh?" I respond, impressed by his proactive approach.  "Yeah, I figured why wait" Vox replies with a shrug. "Got us a meeting this afternoon". I nod, a sense of anticipation building within me. "Well done, Vox. Let's see what he has to say".

The day unfolds with its usual rhythm, each of us immersed in our respective duties until the appointed hour draws near. Vox and I exchange glances, a silent acknowledgment of the impending meeting with Valentino. As we prepare ourselves, I catch Vox's eye, and he nods, a mixture of determination and apprehension evident in his gaze. "Ready for this?" I ask, my tone a blend of curiosity and reassurance. He  gives a small nod, his expression a mix of nerves and determination. "As ready as I'll ever be, just remember not to let him get under your skin" he replies, his voice steady despite the underlying tension. With a shared sense of purpose, we make our way to Valentino's studio, guided by the directions Vox received earlier. Along the journey, we engage in sporadic conversation, discussing everything from the weather to our expectations for the meeting ahead. Despite our efforts to maintain a casual demeanor, an undercurrent of anticipation courses through our veins, heightening the significance of our impending encounter with Valentino. Upon arriving at our destination, we pause outside the studio doors, exchanging a final glance before stepping inside.

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