Look at me, not them

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As Chris spun you around again, your eyes found Matt and you felt everything come crashing down. You watched as he kissed Luna's cheek and grabbed her hand. Chris noticed your sudden change in mood and followed your line of vision.

"Fuck," He mumbled. "Hey, look at me, not them," You turned and looked at Chris. You felt tears in your eyes and you did everything to blink them away.

"Chris..." You started but couldn't even find the words.

"Do you want to leave? What do you wanna do?" Chris asked.

"I don't know," You said, quietly.

"Okay, well let's step over here and take a breath-"

"Chris! What's up, man?!" Some guy you didn't recognize came up to you both.

"Hey, Alex, listen I can't-"

"Can you come to take a picture with us real quick? I'm about to head out," Chris looked back at you.

"I'm sorry, but I can't-"

"It's okay," You said, quietly.


"I'll be okay, I'm gonna run to the bathroom," You forced a smile to back up your excuse. You couldn't hold him back. You were holding them all back at this point. Chris looked at you knowingly. "Go," You urged him. He walked away with Alex but kept his eyes on you. Your heart was pounding and your chest was heavy. You grabbed your phone to text Nick and Madi to see where they were.

"Hey!" Your head shot up to see the worst possible scenario walking towards you.

"Oh- hi," You tried to say casually, wondering if they could see how sick to your stomach you felt. Matt could tell, because he felt the same way.

"I'm Luna. I realized we had never met so I wanted Matty to introduce us!" She said with her fakest smile.

"Oh, right, yeah. I'm Nicole," You said. "Nice to meet you," You watched as Luna intentionally leaned in to Matt, making sure you noticed them holding hands.

"You too! I can't wait to hang out with you more. Matt says you guys used to hang out a lot, hope you don't mind me taking some of that time away," She turned to Matt and kissed his cheek. You were sure you were going to get sick at this point.

"Oh- uh, yeah, no. It's okay," You pretended to laugh. You felt like your heart had never gone as fast as it was going right now.

"Matt! What's up, man?" A guy interrupted, dapping Matt up. "Come here, real quick, I want you to meet my girl!"

"Uh-" Matt tried to deny the invite.

"Aw, go ahead! Nicole and I will chit-chat," Matt's mouth stayed open as the guy dragged him away. Your eyes followed Matt before snapping back to Luna who had her arms crossed now.

"Uh, I really should go-"

"Stay away from him," She said, harshly.

"Excuse me?" You asked, genuinely taken back.

"Don't play stupid. I'm not buying this whole best friend act,"

"I don't know what-"

"Matt told me about your little crush," You felt your stomach drop. You could see Matt saying goodbye to his friend and coming back towards you out of the corner of your eye. "Matt's too good of a guy to tell you that he isn't interested, so I'll do it for him, he's not interested. Never was, never will be!" She smiled, fakely. Before Matt could open his mouth, your phone started buzzing.

"Oh, sorry! I have to go meet Madi. I'll catch up with you guys later!" You barely choked out before walking away as fast as you could.

You rounded the corner once you were out of the room. You felt the tears going down your cheeks, and you were just proud that you held them in that long. You saw a door that led to a hallway between the two big rooms that led to some extra bathrooms, as well as an exit. You made your way down it to attempt to get yourself together. You wiped your eyes before shutting them tightly. You did everything you could to focus on your breathing. You could feel your phone buzzing, probably Madi trying to find you.

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