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Y/n watched the city blur beneath her as Nya piloted the helicopter away from the Explorer's Club

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Y/n watched the city blur beneath her as Nya piloted the helicopter away from the Explorer's Club. She winced at the sound of adventurers yelping from being stung by killer wasps. Still cradling the swaddled scroll in her arms, she joined the others in the cockpit.

Nya activated the radio. "Pixal, come in. Pixal?"

A brief silence followed before Pixal spoke into Nya's headphones, "Nya, where are you?"

"I'm with Zane, Y/n, and Lloyd," Nya reported. "We have the second scroll. Repeat: We have the second scroll!"

In the background, the boys celebrated. "That is most welcome news," Pixal said in relief.

Wu stepped in. "Nya, tell Lloyd to be careful with the scroll," he warned. "It is very dangerous. The less he handles it, the better."

Nya nodded solemnly. "I understand. We'll be careful." An aggressive crash sounded from the Monastery's side of the line, making her frown. "What was that sound?"

"The structural integrity of the doors is failing," Pixal explained. "You have to hurry, Nya."

"Hold on, Pixal! We're coming!" Nya promised, pushing a lever to activate the emergency thrusters.

Y/n stumbled from the sudden burst in speed, steadying herself by clutching a handle on the wall. Her lightheadedness was finally catching up to her, and she was really only awake on adrenaline and a prayer. She passed the scroll off to Lloyd.

"What is it?" Lloyd asked their impatient pilot.

"We're running out of time," she explained grimly. "And Lloyd, Wu said to be careful with that scroll. It's dangerous."

"I'll be careful," he said.

They flitted along for a minute in tense silence as the sun sank behind the mountains. Y/n side-eyed Lloyd as he gingerly unwrapped the scroll. She wasn't exactly sure why he did it. Curiosity? If her memory served correctly (which she couldn't fully trust, considering her state of mind), he hadn't had a great experience the last few times he'd used it.

The moment he touched the worn paper, green light raced through his body. His eyes burned emerald as flames danced on his shoulders and head.

"Maybe you should wrap it up again, just to be safe—" Nya began, concerned.

Lloyd's attention snapped toward her. "I said I'll be careful!" he roared in a voice that was not at all his own. Nya stared back at him in horror. The fire in Lloyd's eyes died down as he said, "Nya, I . . . I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me."

"It's the scroll, Lloyd," Y/n stated in an even tone. "Put it down."

His hands shook as he fought to bury it in the tapestry again. Y/n watched with a stern look, masking her fear. She was scared. Whatever that scroll did to people, it reminded her of her mother.

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