Spock (Part 1)

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Okay ya'll this was just gonna be a short one-shot but I lowkey lowkey the idea I have for this so I might make multiple parts. I'll have to see.

Things on the enterprise had been dull for a while. It's been the equivalent of one earth month since we had any sort of  "Stimulating Activity" as Mr. Spock would say. I work in Med-Bay under Doctor McCoy, however I have also been trained as a Navigator. This makes me extremely useful aboard the Enterprise although the majority of my time is spent annoying Dr. McCoy and assisting him with whatever is necessary. However, there are times when I am needed on the bridge to take over when any of the navigators fall ill.

I am great friends with most of the people that work on the bridge. Jim (being the interstellar playboy that he is) took a liking to me as soon as I boarded the enterprise. I was quick to shut him down, and now we are best friends, Chekov, Scotty, Mccoy, and Uhura all like me well enough. There's just one person who I can't seem to break, and that person is Mr. Spock.

"Y/n to the Bridge, Y/n to the Bridge" I hear the voice of Jim echo through my communicator.

(It never fails to shock me at how unprofessional he was as a captain.)

I hold down the button to reply

"On my way Captain"

I quickly make my way to the Turbolift and step inside turning to face the door.


When I arrive at the Bridge I peak my head out.

"Permission to enter the Bridge, Captain"

"Granted, Ya'know at this point I don't know why you even ask, Y/n."

"Well, old habits die hard and all Jim, now why did you call me up here?"

"Well, we have been given commands to send a landing party onto alpha theta 4 tomorrow. There is an earth colony that the Federation wants us to do a health check on and report back to them. Dr. McCoy is rather busy in sick bay with the outbreak of that new alien flu going around so I wanted to request that you join us and preform the checks. "

"Sure, I don't mind at all. What part of earth is the colony from?"

"I believe it is from the southern part of the US"

"Alright, I'm happy to help"

---------------Back in your quarters---------------

I began packing for the trip down. I had heard of this colony before and knew that with the size of the population it was going to take me upwards of two days to get through them all. Although I had an idea and decided to ask Kirk.

"L/N to Kirk" I said pressing my communication button

"Kirk here"

"Captain I would like to request my departure a day prior to the rest of the party, outside of uniform"

"Care to give me a reason for this request L/n?"

"With all due respect sir, I grew up in the same environment that these people have, I know how they think. These people are untrusting of anyone who looks or acts differently than they do, especially those that they don't know. If I go in and get them comfortable with me and build relationships even just for one day prior the whole operation will go much more smoothly."

"Alright then Y/n, I trust you. However I don't want to risk you going down alone we don't know these people or how they'll respond to you. I am going to send Mr. Spock with you."

I wipe my face frustratedly (why can't he trust me with this ONE thing instead of making my job SO much harder!!!!!)

"Yes Captain. Please inform Mr. Spock that I will be departing at 0600 tomorrow and that if he is not there by then I will leave without him."

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