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This ones gonna be good, it's literally two in the morning when I'm starting this. Also I am definitely not doing all that work to write in a Scottish accent for every word so, use your imagination, lol.

Something felt off today, work in the Medbay had been hectic as all hell. My mind was in all sorts of different places and none of them were good. I just wanted to get back to my Quarters and cuddle up with my boyfriend. I hadn't really eaten today either, everything had been nonstop and I hadn't had a moment to myself to be able to grab something to snack on. It was finally 1900 when i got off of my shift and I slowly made my way through the metal halls and into my joint quarters where my boyfriend should have been. When I got in my communicator beeped and I respond "L/n here."

I heard the voice of my boyfriend on the other end

"Aye, lass I'm sorry I know I shouldae been home by now, but with the way things are going i' probably be another three hours or so."


I tried to disguise the disappointment and pain in my voice but I didn't know what else to say. I went into the closet and put on spandex and a sports bra with and oversized T-shirt.

My mind only got worse as time went on I had to find something to hyper focus on, so I decided to clean. I stripped all of the sheets from the bed and set them with the laundry and replaced them remaking the entire bed. I then went through and completely re-organized mine and Scotty's nightstands. Then I vacuumed and mopped our entire room and shook out the rug that lay in the middle of the floor.

Once I had finished all of that I made my way into the bathroom. I mopped the bathroom floor and cleaned out our shower. By the time I had finished that it was about 20:52 hours but I hadn't stopped to check the time completely in my own world of stress cleaning and ignoring my own mind.

I wiped down the counter and sinks and started on the mirror. However as I cleaned the mirror I began to notice smudges that I couldn't get out.

In my obsession over the smudges I had failed to hear the door open and Scotty step inside toeing of his shoes by the door and sliding hid uniform shirt off leaving him in his undershirt and black work pants.

I was putting all of my body weight into scrubbing the mirror with my towel, getting more and more frustrated as it refused to come off.

Without my knowledge Scotty had come to stand in the door way behind me leaning on the frame as he watched me in slight confusion.

"Lass, I'm finally home" He finally spoke up, expecting his usual warm welcome full of excitement.

I just let out a small grunt acknowledging him and continued to scrub.

"Ah'yae alright Y/n?" He said sounding slightly concerned now.

"Yeah Scotty I'm fine." I said finally verbally responding.

That's when Scotty knew something was wrong, I only ever called him Monty.

"Y/n, come were what's tha matter with yae?"

"Nothing, I'm. Fine." I responded, putting extra emphasis on "fine" as I scrubbed extra hard an the stepped away slouching and wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

"What's goin on with yae, I know something wrong."

"I'm fine, really. Today just really sucked and it was busy as all hell in Medbay, McCoy was stressed and kept yelling at me. I haven't eaten yet today. And I can't get this goddamn smudge of the FUCKING MIRROR." I say raising my voice at the end taking a step back and throwing the towel down onto the counter.

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