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This can be whatever version of Scotty you want it to be 😘Enjoy

Y/N -your name

F/N-Friends Name

L/N-Last Name


I was sitting in my shared quarters after my shift ranting to me friend F/N who I shared the quarters with.

"I mean Christ F/N! I can barely even function around the man! Do you know, Scotty came into Med-Bay today with a burn on his arm from one of the pipes in engineering, Bones quite literally fled the room so that I would be stuck helping him. Y'know, my life would be so much easier if bones wasn't quite so perceptive"

"Haha, yes I've come to that conclusion on my own"

"When I was dressing his wound I turned to grab dressing and when I turned back toward him, our arms brushed each other, and my knees nearly gave out underneath me. I mean the affect that man has on me should be illegal, it's down right humiliating"

"Y'know he is your best friend, you'd think that you'd get used to him by now. Although I suppose I could see how his comfort around you would make that all the more difficult"

"This is why your the ships counselor, you're not half bad"

"Oh thanks, it's almost like I went to Academy for it" She chuckled as she looked down into her lap.

"I think Scotty might be starting to notice how I avoid touching him. He's not been getting as close to me as he usually does, I'm worried that he thinks that I'm angry at him or something"

"Well maybe it's time that you made him aware of how you feel?"

"Very funny, I could never do that. I would ruin everything in an instant"

"You don't know that, it's very possible that he may return your feelings"

"Now I know you're just playing with my head"

"I promise you I'm not, but even so if you will not admit it to him. I would recommend trying to initiate contact the way that he usually does, that way he knows that you aren't mad at him"

"How? That's so awkward"

"Just start standing closer to him, grab his arm, put your head on his shoulder"

"I guess that makes sense, still, you're sure he won take that as me coming onto him?"

"No, you may not be used to them, but those are all normal behaviors for friendships of this magnitude"

"Alright, I guess"

-------Time Skip to The next Day---------

The Captain had summoned us all into the meeting room to discuss the results of the last away mission. Scotty and I weren't really involved in the situation nor were we needed there in all seriousness. We always stood together during these types of meetings and rather than standing a foot away like I usually would I decided to take a step or two closer like F/N had recommended.

"Yah alright lass?" Scotty whispered to me as he noticed my sudden proximity.

"Fine" I whispered back smiling.

I sensed his confusion but said nothing turning back toward the Captain and his speech. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw him lean closer to me until our upper arms were pressed against each other. I felt myself sigh before I knew what I was doing, and I saw him tilt his head down at me and a small smile form on his lips before he too turned back to the captain.

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