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(I totally don't think that Leonard's Aunt is canon or has a name so i totally made her name and character up, sorry:) This is long as hell too 😂


Leonard Horatio McCoy the most stubborn man in all the galaxy, well as far as I've traveled he is. Yet, somehow I fell in love with him, of course he doesn't know that, him being my best friend and all. The Captain just informed the crew that we will be going back to Earth for shore leave for an entire 2 earth weeks. The only issue being, I don't have any family on earth, or anywhere for that matter. My parents died when I was in Academy and the rest of my family had been estranged since before I could walk. So, as nice as a 2 week break sounded, I was kind of dreading just being stuck on base alone while the rest of my friends and crewmates were off enjoying themselves. However, it did not seem that there were any other options so I simply worked and waited for our arrival.

I had gotten a "minor burn" on my arm while working in engineering, I'm Scotty's "right hand man" so this was not exactly a rare occurrence. In fact, this was how McCoy and I had met.

"Len, it's really not that bad. I mean Christ, how many times have I come in for this kind of thing?"

"Too often for my liking. But that's exactly my point, you're not careful. You red shirts are just too damn careless for my liking. Not to mention ya'll are the leading effort in keeping my Med-bay full"

I chuckled "alright, alright i'm sorry. Just you wait, you'll have two whole weeks free of me in a few days time"

"You act like i'm looking forward to that"

"Oh please! I'm sure you can't wait to get rid of me!"

Len turned around and stepped forward so he was standing in between my legs as they dangled off of the biobed. He tilted his head down so his dark eyes met mine.

"Now Darlin' you'd have to be over the hill to really believe that. Bein' without you for this long is gonna drive me crazy and you know it. I can't put up with these damn idiots without you to keep me sane"

I had only seen him like this a couple times before, so sincere and sweet. It was part of the reason I fell in love with him. But, with all the stress of my upcoming solitude his earnestness broke the floodgates and as he looked into my eyes. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I turned my head down hoping to avoid any scrutiny for my sensitivity. However, as I brought my hand up to wipe my eyes I felt his hand rest below my chin and lift my head up to meet his. I fought to keep my head down but in the end he won with a "Darlin' look at me".

I felt my lip quiver when our eyes met again and I saw the confusion and worry in his eyes, but he knew me well enough to know that I wouldn't want to talk right then. So, he took another step forward so that both of our chests were now touching and wrapped his arms around my back. One of his hands landed on the back of my head pushing it forward to rest snug on his chest and hold me against him, the other on my lower back to keep me sat upright.

"Shhh, it's alright darlin' I've got you. Everything's okay"

As if that pet name he's so fond of didn't make me melt before, now I was in an emotionally weak state and I felt myself melt against him immediately. The most embarrassing part was I knew he could feel it too, which was confirmed with a "There we go, that's it" from him which certainly wasn't helping my reserved affections for the man. I took a deep breath and went to pull back, but I felt his arms flex ever so slightly to keep me against him just a little bit longer. You know, for only dealing with me like this once before, he certainly knew what to do. He finally let me pull back and whip my eyes.

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