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I saw this Poem on Instagram and it gave me this idea. I hope ya'll enjoy!


I was making my way to the bridge preparing to take over for Geordi. He had come up with some sort of illness and was sent to sickbay to be taken care of. This was not the first time something like this has happened, in fact I had become quite accustomed to working alongside Lieutenant  Commander Data. I had also become good friends with Deanna and although I found Riker to be a little bit pompous at times I had taught myself to ignore his antics.

I arrived on the bridge and greeted the captain and crew before sitting down at my post. Then I heard Deanna address me from her seat behind me,

"Y/n it is good to see you"

"Good to see you too Deanna, it has been quite a while since I've been on the bridge"

"Well you have been missed"

I blushed a little, uncomfortable at the compliment.

"Oh, well I'm sure that's dramatic, but thank you"

I responded, turning my attention back to my controls. In the corner of my eye I saw Data tilt his head and look over at me raising his eyebrow.

"You are indeed our most trustworthy stand in Lieutenant L/n"

Captain Picard added.

"I'm sure anybody else could do just as good a job as I do sir"

"Yes well, it was meant as a compliment Lieutenant"

"Ah, um thank you, sir"

I felt a blush creep up the back of my neck.

That was my one weakness, I could never take a compliment. I never believed them, I never felt like I deserved them. I always feel so uncomfortable and don't know how to respond, I simply deny it and try to prove them wrong. This was a fact that it seemed Data had begun to catch on to. However, that was more of an issue than it should have been since I had developed a bit of a crush on him since working with him and spending some of my free time with him as well.

-Data's POV-

I had noticed in the time that Lieutenant L/N had worked on the bridge with me and the time that we had spent together outside of that that she seemed to have a habit of denying when something positive was said about her. I decided to ask LT Troi about it since she had become friends with Y/N as well.

"LT Troi could I ask you a question"

I asked when I saw her in the hall while we were both headed to ten forward

"Of course Data, how can I help you?"

"You are good friends with Lieutenant L/N are you not?"

"Yes, we have become very good friends"

"I wanted to ask if you have noticed the strange way she reacts when somebody notes something positive about her? I do not understand it"

"Yes, I have noticed it, Data. It seems that Y/N has a very hard time taking compliments. It something that honestly bothers me, it makes me sad feeling how...unworthy...she feels when such things are said"

"Is there anything that we can do to help? There must be some way to make her believe them, or become more comfortable with them"

"Well I suppose you could talk to her about it, and just try to compliment her more often. It would be kind of like exposure therapy"

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