Spock (Part 2)

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Part 2 :) Well I still had ideas so I figured why not. This will probably end up being a three parter because I want to do one part for each day. Enjoy!

I woke up to a chill through my whole body. It certainly hadn't gotten any warmer as we slept, although I will admit that I slept surprisingly well given the conditions (and the events of the previous night). I turned over in bed to see Spock still asleep totally bundled up in the thin blanket and although he'd never admit it I could see him shivering as he slept.

I feel a small smile grace my lips as I watched him, his chest slowly rising and falling. (He really was kind of beautiful. But also, haha no, not gonna happen get that shit out of your head!!! He's an utterly logical Vulcan and I am a human doctor with a school girl crush. Sounds about right, just my luck.)

I shook myself out of my own head when I noticed that his shivering had gotten worse. I new I should probably be getting up to help Jocelyne feed the horses and then prepare for the team to beam down. I slid out of bed feeling the bracing cold air hit my whole body at once causing me to shudder a little bit. I quietly walked toward Spock and lay my blanket on top of the one he already had. The blanket had retained some of my body heat and his shivering stoped as he cuddled in closer.

I slipped out the door and into the kitchen to see Jocelyne making some coffee.

"Morning Miss Jocelyne, how was your night out?" I said slipping into a seat at the table as she handed me a mug of coffee that I graciously excepted as I held it up to my face with both my hands. I breathed in the steam and let out a sigh, it really felt like life used to back home.

"Oh it was just lovely Dear, thank you so much for all your help around here. You're the only reason that I was able to go."

"Of course! I'm glad you had fun. Trust me I know how good it feels to break routine."

"Oh I'm sure you do dear. Speaking of were is that Mr. Spock?"

"He's still asleep ma'am"

I replied as I saw her get out the supplies to begin making breakfast.

"I'm going to go out and feed the horses while you're cooking. Although I would like to ask that you don't wake Spock. He seems to need the sleep and I'm not entirely certain that he sleeps much on the enterprise."

"Of course, I must say it is quite endearing how much you seem to like him."

"With all due respect ma'am, you don't know anything about me"

I replied smiling softly at her as I got up and left to change and then feed the horses.

----------------------Time Skip------------------------

When I went back inside Jocelyne and Spock (who I noted was no longer in his sleep clothes) were sitting at the table talking as she served up breakfast. Spock turned to me and nodded his head as he spoke to her, at first I figured it was simply his way of greeting me. However, I realized that he had nodded his head back toward our room and I realized that he was thanking me for the blanket.

I blushed and smiled nodding as I looked down at the floor. I sat down next to him and she set a plate in front of me and I dug in hungrily, it was that moment that I realized I hadn't eaten since breakfast the previous day. Spock seemed to take a much more dignified approach to eating what had been served.

Once I finished I stood and left Spock to finish on his own.

"Miss Jocelyne, where in town is the mayor's office? I need to speak with them about calling a town meeting and doing the physicals."

"He's in the very center of town just next to the antique store down the road."

"Wonderful, thank you so much! Alright well I suppose I will leave the two of you to converse. I need to finally do what I'm here for."

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