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This ones a little spicy y'all, you have been warned. Enjoy :)


Working on the Enterprise was my life, and her crew was my family. We had been together for 2 years at this point, we were all more than situated and even more so, in need of a break. We were going Planet side, but not on just any planet, we were finally docking back on earth for a week long break while the Enterprise was getting a couple of inspections done. I hadn't been that excited since my first day on the ship, I was finally going home.

Now I had two big secrets, both of which truly nobody on the enterprise knew and both entirely unrelated to one another. The first was that I'm in a band, with some of my closest friends back on earth. We hadn't played an actual gig together in so long, so as soon as I received news of our heading planet side I sent them a message and we booked one at a local bar.

Now the second which, is arguably a much bigger deal than the first, was that I was in love with my best friend in the entire universe, Leonard Horatio McCoy, more affectionately referred to as Bones by the other members of the ship. I myself only ever really called him Len. Interestingly enough, we met on the Enterprise, at the beginning of the five year mission. Now, 2 years in and 3 to go and there's no hope of growing out of this and no signs that it's "just a faze". Something which I had previously desperately wished for.

Now, a week before our vacation I was cleaning my quarters and I got in the mood for music and wanted to listen to something new so I got an interesting idea.

"Computer, access music playlists of Dr. McCoy"

"Accessing" her robotic voice replied. "One available playlist"

"Computer, shuffle playlist"

Now one thing Len and I had never really discussed was our taste in music and I was incredibly curious to see what sort of music would be on this playlist. Then the first song played and a smile broke out on my face, "As the World Caves In" by Sarah Cothran. That song always made me think of him, I couldn't believe he actually liked it too. Then I got an idea, I messaged my band mates and asked them if we could play this song. Me being the lead singer they usually trusted my judgment, so they said yes.

-------------------Time Skip-----------------

We just made it planet side and I stepped off the ship with Leonard beside me only to be nearly knocked off of my feet when my lovely bandmates came barreling toward me nearly knocking me over. They squealed and hugged me as I chuckled and lightly hugged them back. We were an all girls band called "The American Girls" a Tom Petty reference of course since we mainly played rock. Then they all stepped back and Sarah our drummer looked up at Leonard smiling "Hi, we're Y/N's-"

"Friends, from back in school" I cut her off, knowing she was gonna say bandmates and Leonard would find out about that. That was probably the most embarrassing thing I could imagine.

"Ladies, this is my best friend Leonard" I said, gesturing at him and he gave them an awkward wave before looking down at me.

"Well, it was lovely to meet you ladies, but I have a ship's Captain to keep sober until 5:00"

I laughed at that

"Yeah, good luck with that, Len. I'll see ya around" I called as he walked away to find Jim.

"So that's THE best friend? Like the one you're secretly in love with?" Kelly, our guitarist asked.

"Damnit Kell, keep your voice down"

She giggled at that nodding to the others, as they all silently agreed that that was in fact THAT best friend. I shook my head at them.

"Alright, show me to our hotel room so that I can get settled, and our performance is tomorrow night at Barry's right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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