Chapter 13: The Battle Of Vale Part 2

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3rd POV:

Back to Ironwood.

Atlas Soldier 1: "SIR!!! SIR!!!!!! OUR ENEMY ISN'T STOPPING AND WE TRIES OUR BEST TRIES TO TAKE HIM DOWN!!!!!!!" He said to him.

James: "Goddamnit! Fucking damnit!!!!!" He shout out in anger.

General James who was sat on the desk and he heard the new of his army Atlas tries to kill (Y/N) but it turns out that he cannot be stopped and he just keep moving forward to them and then James was watching the new about (Y/N) was strike down many buildings down by himself and then his army begin to tear many at the bullheads ahead back there and they were tries everything that they got and take (Y/N) down.

Atlas Soldier 1: "What are we going to do, sir?" He asked him.

James: "Again, we do our best to stop that thing right now! Before it will destroy this kingdom right now!" He said to him and make the soldier nod his head and make him begin to running out right away and then leave James who sat on the desk and he felt sweat comes down from his head and he felt pure fear what it is coming for him.

Yes...this is how make him felt fear inside at him and all he want to do keep this kingdom safe and everything around here but he know this is the end of this world and he definitely know it is and he heard the voice from that abomination monster was speaking out to the vale kingdom.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "One last chance again!!!!!! SURRENDER OR DIE!!!!! THIS IS YOUR CHOICE!!!!! DO YOU WANT MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE DIE IN THIS KINGDOM?!? NOW TELL US BEFORE WE WILL DESTROY MORE AROUND HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to this world.

James: "To hell with you, demon! You are going down first!!!!!!" He shout out and out of nowhere an scroll was ringing out and it was called comes from Ozpin just called him immediately and James take an answer at it. Then he heard Ozpin told James that he need to withdraw right now and this make James was surprise about what the professor tries to said and the councils with Ozpin want James to draw right now before something happened.

James: "DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out in anger.

Back to (Y/N).

These Atlas's weapons couldn't stop at (Y/N) and he just keep moving forward to destroy all everything around here by himself and he was like one man army by himself and he just destroy these Atlas soldiers and tear all everything down by himself. Then (Y/N) was walking up there like bad motherfucker and make him turn his head to look at the bullheads or any big one that they both were retreated back right now and they are scared.

(Y/N) was turn his head to look down and he saw the army of Atlas down there and they both are retreating right away.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Looks like they are draw..." He said to himself.

Sam/Riot: "So, what now?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Well then...we are going to rule over this kingdom vale, and all everything belong to us right now." He said to Sam.

Sam/Riot: "Right, before I go...can you call Smoke? Big Smoke?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was chuckle little bit and he told him 'yes' and then Sam let out an alpha roar and called the symbiotes stand down. Then (Y/N) stood right there and watching all everything around here was burning and it is burning but (Y/N) will called his army to rebuilding all over again and then (Y/N) just felt lucky to win this war and battle.

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