Chapter 14: Welcome To Beacon Academy

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3rd POV:

Next Day Later.

Cinder: "DAMNIT!!!!!!!! GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!" She shout out in anger and she was heard the new about Adam Taurus and his White Fang soldiers were been killed and brutal murdered by the monsters killing them all. Isn't the famous villains of RWBY who were tries to bring the Beacon Academy down and let Salem take over this world by herself? Huh, that's alright then...I guess we are going to introduce these characters here.

I guess we are going to introduce these characters here

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Cinder Fall.

Cinder Fall

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Emerald: "So....what are we going to do now?" She asked Cinder.

Cinder: "I don't know...Adam and his White Fang army was been wiped out by Red Death and his army...all everything was destroyed by there is nothing left for what we can do right now. We need to get in the Beacon Academy immediately and make sure that we get there and find the computer upload the virus down." She said to them.

Mercury: "Wait, you want us to go in there and doing our work?!? Hell no, Cinder!!!! Did you see that...freaking giant creature thing is out there! And those freaking army of monsters out there...they killing many Atlas soldiers and take many tanks and anything around here!!!!!!" He said to Cinder.

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