Chapter 17: Summer Rose (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) was already wake up for the morning and he just going to get a showering right away and make him was tries to dressing up with his new clothes that he need to dresses up and after he was got his clothes on and he looks like perfect dress. This make him checking at the mirror for what he saw his clothes that he was dressing and he looks like perfect to be dressing up like this.

 This make him checking at the mirror for what he saw his clothes that he was dressing and he looks like perfect to be dressing up like this

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(Y/N)'s Outfit.

(Y/N): "Damn, I am looks like perfect.~" He said to himself.

Smoke: "*WHISTLE* Hang out with someone, (Y/N)?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was turn around to look at Smoke was there and then he was stood there with a smirk on his face and (Y/N) asked him.

(Y/N): "How long are you standing there, man?" He asked him.

Smoke: "I was standing there for awhile." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Right...but by the way...what are you going to do now?" He asked Smoke.

Smoke: "Well, I'm going out there and find the bandit and destroy them...but I really don't need an army of your alright? I can take care of this." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Alright....where are you going to find target?" He asked Smoke.

Smoke: "I'm going to take down Raven's bandits.~" He said to him.

(Y/N): "Hehehe...alright...but make sure that we need her alive." He said to him.

Smoke: "Fine then...I'm going to burn that place down." He said to (Y/N) and make him just chuckle little bit and then (Y/N) watch Smoke was get out of the room by himself and begin to walk out to somewhere else. Then (Y/N) was definitely going to leave this place by himself and he need to meet up with Ruby right away and when he was there and make him just saw her stood there and waiting for him.

Ruby: "Hey, (Y/N)! Whoa...nice dress!" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Thanks, Ruby.~ By the way your clothes looks pretty good.~" He said to her and make her blush and she wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s neck and kisses him in the lips and make the two of them let go and they smiles at each others. Then they both were hanging out right away by themselves in the city.

When the two of them were walk away and they didn't notice that (Y/N)'s girls who were watching at (Y/N) walking away with the red riding hood from here and this make them are jealous as hell.

Girls: "*I'll kill that fucking red hood bitch!!!!!!!*" They thought themselves.

Time Skip Later.

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