Chapter 6- Xisuma

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A/N- YES I KNOW ITS A LATE UPLOAD. Lots of school assignments. Friend group stf etc

2 days after the Hermits that had been involved returned to the Overworld a meeting was called by Xisuma for every able bodied Hermit (so no Iskall, Grian, Scar and well Cleo for obvious reasons). Iskall was still knocked out and wounded from the explosion, Scar was just plain exhausted and Grian was experiencing what some may call as PTSD or trauma except the Hermits weren't told that. They were told his wing had been injured again and was on bedrest. Instead of waiting outside this time he waited in his spot around the meeting table.

"X-Xisuma?" False's voice sounded down the staircase. "Can we come down- I mean I figure it'd be a yes but sti-" Xisuma cut her off.

"Yes False, you can come down," X nearly laughed. He wasn't sure  exactly why. Maybe it was because it was the only minorly funny thing that had happened all week. Yes that had to be why. Xisuma watched the Hermits filter in, quietly taking  their places without question. As they sat down Xisuma's communicator buzzed and lit up. 

<Stressmonster101> sorry guys, wont be at meeting. Looking after people yk

Well that was just unfortunate. It's fine, messages would be passed along to her anyways. Suddenly X realised everyone was looking at him. He felt their eyes, piercing him, scanning him up and down for the answers they had been promised. Xisuma sighed and took a deep breath in. This time he scanned the room, checking all the Hermits out.

False looked nervous but tried to hide it, Impulse who should be completely shaken up look perfectly fine. "I'll have to check in on him later then" Xisuma thought. Mumbo looked silently distressed. He looked restless as if he hadn't slept in the 2 days from their return to the meeting. HIs usually spotless suit looked wrinkled and not well kept, his moustache disheveled and his eyed darted around nervously. "Well the poor guys machine did just blow up, taking one of his friends with it." Joe looked really upset, clearly he had cried before coming but was determined on not showing it now. Etho, Doc and Cub looked relatively calm, not fidgeting. No hint of nerves showing on their faces. As for the others, the looked a mixture of sad, scared and nervous, as if as long as he said nothing, nothing ever happed. "Here goes nothing I guess..."

"As most of you know, Cleo has disappeared. We don't know where she has gone- no she hasn't died, been permaband, or kicked. Mumbo's button machine decided to explode, no reason at all. After exploding Cleo had disappeared. We know- don't  know who took her," At the last moment X corrected himself, deciding it was a bad idea to tell them know and panic with any prior knowledge they may have of they stored deep inside their minds.

"Oh void to this. Whatever took Cleo can go jump into a Nether pit. Why Cleo she's so sweet!. Disgusting," Keralis practically spat. Xisuma's heart skipped a beat. That was a.... lot.

Hermits glanced around the room. Mixed emotions echoed through the room. Slowly whispering arose and from the whispering, talking and talking slowly rose louder and louder until they were practically yelling at each other.

Xisuma sighed, trying to catch any of the conversations flying across the room. Giving up he raised his voice.

"IF YOU ALL DON'T SHUT UP I WILL /MUTE YOU OKAY?!" That sure got all their attention. X huffed. "Now unless anyone else has something to say on the matter could you all respectively leave. Stay safe. Impulse and Mumbo stay behind will you?" The Hermits filtered out, talking in small groups of people that they were basing with. Joe and Ren walked out as Joe was obviously alone after Cleo's disappearance. Once the last hermits said their goodbyes X turned to the 2.

"I just wanted to check up on you guys. Mumbo you seem, I have no way of sugar coating it, horrible. I know you've been staying with Grian but you need to look after you my dude... please? I don't want you getting sick or injure from lack of sleep," Mumbo audibly sighed, slouching forward where he stood.

"I know it's just not great you know. Grian isn't doing too good. I'm not exactly sure why but he isn't.." he trailed off and Xisuma took that as the end of the conversation, turning to Impulse.

"And how about you? Are you okay Imp? Like you look fine but I'm not convinced," Impulse shook his head, almost making a laughing noise.

"Just tired and stressed that all. Just rather not display that you know? Rather keep it to my own ears and mind," Xisuma nodded in respond.

"Well you guys are completely free to go. Stay sa-" X was cut off as a scream echoes from out the room. The three glance at one another before practically flying up the stairs. The sun was setting but there was still enough light to see their surroundings. Xisuma finally spotted 2 people. He rushed over, Mumbo and Impulse on his heels.

"Whats-" He didn't get to finish.

"They-they just took him..." False was hugging her knees, tears streaming down her face.

"Who?" Mumbo's voice asked quietly from behind him.

Etho turned, stone-faced to Xisuma.

"Keralis... something got Keralis."

A/N- IM BACK! Sorry guys school's just stressful. Work and people wise. Its currently 12:15 and its been a horrible day. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the long wait.

Remember to eat, drink, sleep, take any meds you need to and look after YOU


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