Chapter 7- Cleo

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T/W- Abuse, screaming, crying.
W/C- 1343
A/N- *sigh* Ik i'm a bit off schedule I'm so sorry. Had to take a break and focus on not breaking down ig. Edit- I'm not doin great :)

Her head pounded. She groaned, opening her eyes only to see more darkness. Attempting to sit up, she pushed her hands into the solid stone floor, pain flaring up her arms. She cried out in pain, falling back down. Her eyes adjusted, faster than a normal players eyes but still slowly. Glancing around she spotted metal bars covering what she assumed to be the entrance of her...wait where was she.

The last thing Cleo remembered was pressing the button, a white blinding light and then a searing purple one. Then? Well darkness. She had to have been out for at least a couple days. Cleo had no concept of time. Slowly, she pushed herself up to a sitting and soon enough she was standing. Her body ached and a few spots screamed in pain, probably burns or more severe injures but she stayed up.

The room she was in was small. Rough but cut down stone walls surrounded her, seeming to press in closer and closer and yet they stayed where they were. A metal  frame was built into the wall, holding what she assumed to be a bed on top. Cautiously she stepped towards it and sitting down, disappointed to find that the mattress was shallow and uncomfortable to the touch. Above her the roof nearly touched her head, something considered a building crime by many (*cough* *cough* Mumbo). She wandered towards the front of the room, nearly tripping over her own feet in the process. Cold metal bars met Cleo's hands. They were thick and solid, unable to be bent. 

Cleo peered out of her prison, trying to spot anything... anyone. At all. All she was met with was a long, dark corridor, so dark and long you can't see the ending even with night vision. Cleo decided to test her luck. "HELLO?!" her voice was raspy and rough. She coughed to try and clear it, hoping someone would here. A hermit or just anyone in general. "Hello! Where am I!? Is anyone there!? Help!?!" She turned away from the entrance in defeat when she heard a sound. She whipped around, hands up and ready to fight. A dark hooded figure stood at the entrance.

"Hello Cleo," it said in a mono tone voice. Cleo tilted her head suspiciously. How did it know her name.

"I know your name as I've been watching you Cleo. You have grown into a well respected player. Your building skills have improved greatly and your enthusiasm and effort has never wavered," Cleo stood there in shock for a moment, studying this... thing that had been essentially stalking her.

"What do you want from me," she surprised herself with how confident she sounded despite the fear brewing inside of her. "Why am I here? Who even are you?" Cleo was almost certain she saw the figure flinch at her mocking voice at the last word but she couldn't be sure because of the mask covering its eyes.

"Ah ah. All in good time player. All in good time..." it trailed off for a moment, seeming to try and select the right way to phrase its next sentence. "For now, enjoy your stay." It threw a potato forward toward Cleo. She caught it and studied it. Untrusting of this entity of sorts she belted it at it. To her surprise it raised a hand a purple sort of force field appeared, causing the potato to land on the ground. "No food huh? You'll give in eventually. Just you wait. But for now, enjoy your stay." It turned to leave before calling back calmly. "If you ever need anything just let me know." It flicked a finger towards the bars and purple mist engulfed it for a moment before sinking into it.

"But how-" and it was gone. Nothing was left where it disappeared from. "TO THE VOID WITH YOU!" she screamed out, kicking a bar. Immediately regretting it Cleo cried out in pain, pain jolting up her foot and into her leg. For some reason the pain got more intense and travelled through her entire body. "Curse thing! Did something to the stupid iron bar!" Cleo yelled out loudly to no one in particular.

Slowly the reality sunk in. She was alone. No one to talk to. No one to help her. She was truly alone and unable to get out of this hell hole.

Hours, days even must have passed when Cleo heard a thud and a groan. She opened her eyes after attempting to sleep. She was worried the thing had returned for the 4th time to torture her once again. It had come past 3 other times. Each time she asked a question or yelled it sent a purple current of pain and burning towards her. It burnt and still burnt. Cleo scrambled to her feet, backing towards the low, looming walls of the prison. She spotted the figure lying in a small ball on the ground.

"Wh-where am I?" it groaned in pain , eyes squeezed shut.

"I-I don't know-" Cleo cut him off.

"KERALIS!" She rushed over, pulling him into a tight, unbreaking hug.

"WAIT CLEO. OH MY GOD!" He hugged her back. They sat there for a moment, not letting go. Keralis pulled away, away and just looked at Cleo. "Everyone's so worried. They miss you and are trying to find you."

"Aw isn't that sweet," Cleo whipped her head towards the entrance with a loathing glare.

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Him." she said in a low threatening voice. The figure laughed. Not a joyful, sweet, contagious laugh. A mocking one. A laugh that made you want to throw up.

"Or what dear Cleo. Or. What," it's voice was trying to egg on at her. Trying to get her to react ad unfortunately she was about to give it what it wanted.

"Or I'll kill you," she said plainly, hoping the fear in her head wasn't reaching her speech. Cleo moved over and stood up, shielding Keralis with her body. The figure walked closer to the entrance. Behind her she heard Keralis shuffle to get a better view of it.

It ignored her response. "Keralis, welcome."

"Um- hi?" his voice shook and it sounded like tears wear edging their way up on him. Cleo felt her heart ache for her fellow hermit.

"This will be your new home for the next..." it paused. "However long. For now take this-" Cleo flinched as a potato was thrown into the room.

"WHAT IS WITH YOU AND THESE STUPID POTATOES! ALMOST AS DUMB AS YO-" she was cut off as pain travelled through her body. A fiery, burning sensation following her blood stream. Cleo screamed out in pain, collapsing to her knees and then falling onto her side. The pain increased as she spat out insults to the Thing. She curled into a ball or pain. It clouded her mind and ringing started in her ears. Distantly she felt Keralis put his hands on her shoulder, begging her to tell him what was wrong.

"What did you do!!!" he yelled at the figure. Cleo could feel him shaking.

"Punishing her as she deserves," the reply came calmly. Cleo twitched in pain, tears streaming down her face.

"P-Please stop... please," Keralis' voice trembled. It laughed again.

"Well I suppose that's enough for now," The pain stopped and Cleo gasped, the ringing getting louder. Her body shook as she sobbed. The direct pain may have stopped but she ached all over. Cleo was convinced her mind was too. It felt... wrong. Foggy and negative. She missed the rest of the conversation and watched as it left.

"Cleo? Cleo! Are you okay???" She could only make a sobbing, whining noise in reply. Without thinking she attempted to sit up as to check on Keralis. That's when the world spun and went black.

A/N- I'm so sorry. I'm busy sorting out my own shit atm. Again sry for late upload.

Remember drink water, eat food, sleep and take those meds you may need to.



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