Chapter 6: Festival

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Currently, the school festival was under way and sales were doing well. Many students flocked over to see what Sakura and Tohru's class was doing. People were loving the rice ball lottery and everything. However, that wasn't the biggest reason why sales were high.

Nearly every girl was attracted to Yuki, and they all pressured him into wearing a dress for the festival

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Nearly every girl was attracted to Yuki, and they all pressured him into wearing a dress for the festival. Senpais or people in his grade all did it, and teachers, boys, girls, they all loved him. However, he was protected by the Prince Yuki Fan Club.

The student council got Sakura to make a dress for them, as the girl had no idea what it was for. Once Sakura found out Yuki was going to dress up like a girl, she tried her hardest not to laugh. But Miyazawa on the other hand, she cracked up so much that she rolled down the stairs.

Sakura: The dress is unconventional, but dang. Look at these sales! And these rice balls are delish! (Not to mention it's a great starting point for my design career.)

Tohru: Yeah! Thanks for helping make them, Sakura-chan.

She grabs a rice ball and eats it while high fiving Tohru.

Sakura: Better pay too.

She hands the money as she walks over to Yuki. However, the PYFC had no intention of letting their No. 1 archenemy get even within a single inch of Yuki.

Motoko: Hold it right there, Suzuki!

Sakura: Minagawa, what is the meaning of this? I just want to say hi to Yuki. There are people present. *sniff* Also, what smells in here?

Student: Yeah. It smells rotten.

Motoko: *gasp* (I lathered soap on myself 5 times! How is it still there?!)

She runs out of the room crying, along with the two other stinky saboteurs as Miyazawa cackled once entering back inside the room.

Asura: Hey Minagawa, Yamagishi, Kinoshita! Smell ya later! HAHAHAHA!

Tohru: What happened?

Asura: Let's just say I was silent but deadly.

Sakura: You didn't.

Asura: Yep! You put a stink bomb in their box!

Sakura: Oh my god. It will wash off, right?

Asura: Of course it will. I'm not a sadist. Also, sorry about tricking you. But they really pissed me off.

Sakura: Sorry about this, Yuki. I know you wanted to help us, but I-

Yuki: It's ok. And, I'm glad we have a moment together now.

They started talking about the festival and the events going on as Arisa and Saki notice Sakura being closer to Yuki than usual.

Arisa: Looks like Sakura's awfully close with the Princessy Prince.

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