Chapter 24: Lake Vacation

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Once the funeral was over, Sakura decided to stay with the Somas. Tamaki was then picked up by Akashi and went home. Yuki and Kyo were quiet for the trip. They were even quiet at lunchtime, which was weird since Kyo would always fight or threaten Yuki. Sakura and Tohru made dinner, and everyone was quiet. Sakura assumed it was the funeral or the Suzuki-Nakamura conflict. Tohru assumed it was her fault. Soon Shigure arrived with some news out of the blue.

Shigure: How'd you all like to go on a vacation? First day of Golden Week!

Sakura: Well, it'd get my mind off the whole idea. But what about Tamaki?

Shigure: Ok, but Iroha would have to go. And Hatori too.

Sakura: Sure, why not?

Kyo: What's with the vacation planning? Drunk or something?

Shigure: I drink, but don't get drunk.

Yuki: What's the difference? And allowing Tamaki on this trip?

Shigure: Don't worry, the Soma household maintains a house, big enough for more than a 2 children family. So?

Tohru: Uh, no! I mean I shouldn't-

Sakura: Aw come on, Tohru. You don't want to keep me and Tamaki alone, would you?

Shigure: And me too?

Tohru: Then I'll do it!


Shigure: Hey! Sakura manipulated her too!

Yuki: She's her best friend! You're an adult!

Kyo: You creep!

Shigure then gets his phone and calls up Hatori and Iroha.

Iroha: Talk to me, any issue?

Shigure: Well, I'd like to have you and Hatori come on a vacation.

Iroha: Give me a minute. (YES!) Ok.

Hatori: Who is it?

Iroha: Shigure. Invite to a vacation on the lake. Let's take my car!

Shigure: Oh, Sakura's brother, Sakura, Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru will be there. So....prepare your memory erasers in case.

Iroha: Knew there'd be a catch.


So, Iroha and Hatori picked up the Soma family, and Tamaki, and headed off to the lake house from the Somas. Kyo and Yuki weren't speaking to each other, and even having a tiny bit of courteousness to each other. This was ok for Sakura, but not for Tohru. Tamaki "introduces" himself as Kyo gets suspicious of Shigure.

Shigure: Also, watch out for Jason, kids.

Shigure: Also, watch out for Jason, kids

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Kyo: Jason?

Shigure: A vicious bear in the woods. I thought everyone knew.

Kyo: Yeah! Of course I know about him! Wait. Why did you pack us up and bring us here?

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