Chapter 26: Tokyo Redeemers

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This is a chapter retelling flashbacks from Arisa's origin.


Back then, Arisa Uotani was part of a violent gang. They would stir up all kinds of trouble. Mugging multiple people, causing property damage, getting into fights, vandalism, and any petty crimes and misdemeanors they could do.

She was the 2nd in command to her group's leader, Akimoto. No one knew her first name, not even Arisa, her trusted companion.

Arisa, she had a rough life. Her mom left the family when she was only in the first grade, with her only relative in her father, in front of the tv, blank faced, drinking all the time, and not even caring about anything. In fact, he didn't even know she joined a gang. Only that she was a bad influence on anyone.

She just kept falling and falling without any consequence, and soon she became part of a gang.

One time, she even robbed Tamaki.


Arisa was walking down the street with an "Buzz off before I swat you" look on her face. No one talked to her. They all feared her. Any civilian would just walk around her, classmates ran for their lives, and police, she dodge them or smooth talk her way out.

So when she ran into a nerdy Tamaki with glasses, anime merch, and rich looking items, she decided what she wanted to do now.

Arisa: (Well, might as well kill some time.)

She grabbed the nerd by the shoulder and pulled him into the alley. Tamaki could fight, but he was too scared  as this went fast and he had no idea what to do.

 Tamaki could fight, but he was too scared  as this went fast and he had no idea what to do

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Arisa: You value your life? If you make a noise, I'll kill you. You scream or beg for help, I'll kill you then too. You understand? Understand? Shhh.

She then takes his wallet and looks inside. There was over 50,000 yen inside. Arisa wolf whistles before putting the money in her pockets.

But Tamaki was a bit scared and started to try crocodile tears to get out of the situation.

Tamaki: Please! I need that money!

Arisa: And I want a hover bike. We don't always get what we want, but you live with it.

Tamaki: No! It's for my friends and family! I'm planning something huge, I need that money to buy something for them!

Arisa: Sounds like a "you" problem.

Tamaki: Please! Ow! My glasses!

The glasses cracked a bit so Tamaki had to rifle through his backpack for his case or a phone. He looked so pathetic and degrading that Arisa sighed, crumpled the money into a ball, and tossed it into the backpack.

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